23 amazing facts about the brain from the results of recent scientific research

The information presented in this collection, you do not learn in the lessons of anatomy, but she will often make you wonder and look at life from the other side.

Guess what is one of the most sophisticated and perfect devices in the world. You will be surprised, but this is the human brain! Yes, that's it. Many have heard that it consists of convolutions, is divided into zones, well, and some minor facts, and this ends knowledge. In fact, this body has a lot of interesting information.

1. Brain = a light bulb.

You were surprised by this comparison, but in fact everything is justified, since the brain needs the same amount of energy for work as it does for 10 watts. In addition, the body itself promotes the generation of energy, even when a person is asleep.

2. The brain reacts to unpleasant people.

Scientists have conducted an interesting study, the results of which surprise many, it turns out, the brain perceives the movement of people causing irritation, slower than they actually move.

3. It does not hurt at all!

Imagine, the brain does not know the sensation of pain, because there are no pain receptors in it. Due to this, surgeons perform complicated operations connected with this organ without the use of anesthesia. The person feels pain, including headache, thanks to other receptors located in different parts of the body and sending signals to the brain.

4. Oh, this sea sickness ...

The following information can not help but surprise - while on a ship, the brain can mistakenly perceive everything around as a hallucination provoked by poison, and the body uses a gag reflex for protection, so many are so bad.

5. Is the brain fatty?

You struggle with excess weight and actively burn fat in the buttocks and thighs, then it is worth knowing that the brain is 60% fat. To maintain proper functioning of the body, you need to eat Omega-3 and 6.

6. An unusual test to check the work of the brain.

A primitive but effective test that detects brain damage can be done at home: the water is poured into the ear and if it is cold, the eyes will move in the opposite direction from that ear, and if warm, then in its direction.

7. It's not harmful to dream at all.

Many people spend a lot of time in dreams and at this very time different parts of the brain are involved in the work, since memory, fantasy and thinking are involved.

8. The secret of telephone numbers is disclosed.

Have you ever wondered why the phone number does not include more than seven figures, so this is directly related to brain activity. Studies have shown that seven digits are the longest sequence that a normal person can remember on the fly, but it is connected with the boundaries of working memory.

9. Shocking news - nerve cells are restored!

Yes, yes, for a long time we have heard that there is no need to be nervous, because the nerve cells are not restored, but everything turns out the other way round. Recent studies have shown that neurons grow until the end of human life.

10. Are the abusive words useful?

Scientists have determined that swear words are processed in a separate part of the brain, and they can reduce pain, so they hit - swear on health.

11. Practically infinite volumes of memory.

The brain is not at all like a smartphone or computer, since it can fit up to 1 thousand terabytes. It is difficult to imagine a situation when a person reads something and receives a signal that "memory is full".

12. Cardinal method of combating fear.

For fear in the brain is the part that is called the amygdala. If it is removed, then a person can become fearless.

13. No tickling.

Have you ever tried to tickle yourself, now do it right now, you did not feel anything? This is due to the fact that the brain is able to perceive such an effect only of external stimuli.

14. The second brain in the body?

It turns out that there is a "second brain" in the stomach that is responsible for "butterflies in the stomach", and it also affects the appetite and mood.

15. Why do we forget what we wanted to say a few seconds ago?

There are such situations that you want to express some idea, but it was worth taking a break for a second - and everything is forgotten. This phenomenon scientists have found a very real explanation - short-term memory is able to hold some information and not more than 30 seconds.

16. How did the gyrus appear?

In fact, convolutions are folds that form in order for the brain to fit into the skull. If the organ is fully straightened, then its size is approximately equal to the standard pillow.

17. The brain can do samoyedstvom.

A number of scientists are sure that if a person sits on strict diets for a long time, then the brain can begin to "eat" itself. And with a lack of oxygen for 5 minutes. irreversible organ damage begins.

18. Maximum brain activity.

It is proved that at the age of 19-20 years a person faster and best of all remembers information. The peak is reached in 25 years, and then stable work is observed. After 50 years, the strength between neurons deteriorates, so it is difficult to remember a lot of information.

19. A person gets drunk in a matter of minutes.

Experiments have shown that the brain is only six minutes long enough to give a reaction to alcohol, that is, intoxication occurs after this time.

20. The sex difference is also evident in the brain.

In the stronger sex, the weight of the brain is 10% greater than that of the weak one, but the female organ has more nerve cells and connectors, so it works faster and better. Another interesting detail - when processing information, ladies use the right hemisphere, responsible for emotions, and men - the left, connected with logic.

21. The brain does not sleep.

You are in the arms of Morpheus, and at this time the brain is actively working to process all the information that he received for the day. By the way, there is another version, according to which information is not digested, but is reset.

22. Feeling of love can be seen in the pictures.

When feelings arise for another person, then not only "butterflies in the abdomen" are felt, but other reactions occur in the body, for example, brain regions responsible for pleasure begin to work actively. If you make an MRI snapshot, you can see how the places in which dopamine is lit shine.

23. Orgasm is comparable to the dose of a heavy drug.

Due to a number of studies it was possible to establish that when a person experiences an orgasm, the same amount of dopamine is produced in the brain as a drug addict after using drugs.