25 simple habits that will change your life for the better

Everyone knows that small steps will soon help achieve the desired goal. Another thing is if you are introducing into your life difficult habits, difficult to perform.

They, maybe, will change your life, but these changes will be given to you with great difficulty. In addition, the reverse side of such severe changes will be an increase in the level of stress, which can adversely affect your health.

But what if you fill your life with tiny, but very effective habits? Extensive psychological studies recently conducted by Stanford scientists have shown that great changes in life are possible with the introduction of small, but very effective habits.

Here they are, 25 habits of successful people. Practice them regularly and after 2-3 weeks you will see changes not only on the mental, but also on the physical level. In addition, your attitude to work, those around you, and to the world as a whole will change.

Habits that improve your physical health:

1. Start the morning with a glass of water. Have you ever focused on how many liters of water (not tea or coffee, and plain water) do you drink in a day? So, as soon as you get out of bed, be sure to drink a glass of water. Thus, you not only run all the digestive processes in the body, but still cleanse the body of toxins, accelerate metabolism, renew the balance of fluid in the body.

2. Get out for a few stops earlier than necessary. You can do this either before work (if there is time), or after. Remember that sedentary lifestyle negatively affects our physical health.

3. Do not forget about raw vegetables and fruits. Each meal should be supplemented with vitamins, vegetable food. You not only get a lot of nutrients, but also help your body lose weight, reduce hunger and energy for the whole day.

4. Take an hour off every hour. Set the timer on the mobile. As soon as he informs you that an hour has passed, do not hesitate, get up because of the desktop. Walk through the office, go down the stairs to the first floor, go out into the street - do whatever you want, but do not sit.

5. Nuts to help you. As soon as you feel hungry, and want to snack something, do not rush to reach for harmful sweets, cookies. For such a case, there must always be nuts in the purse that will help satisfy the hunger and will energize you.

Habits that improve your mental health:

1. Ask open-ended questions (these are those that can be answered in detail, using your own feelings, knowledge). Avoid questions that the interlocutor can answer "yes" or "no". Try during the conversation to formulate your questions like the following: "What do you think about ...?", "Tell me about your ...". Such questions are one of the best ways of tying and establishing relationships with people.

2. Take up creativity. Let your eyes always have a glass with colored pencils or a box of paints. Immerse yourself in your childhood and sometimes paint something uncomplicated. Creativity is a kind of fitness for the brain, and that he does not get used to the same activity, every week or monthly draw not with pencils, but, for example, pastel. Cut something out of paper, make origami and stuff.

3. Sit in silence. If you want, you can meditate. The main couple of minutes a day sit silently. Do not do anything, do not think about anything. Let the brain rest.

4. Correctly finish your day. Before going to sleep, write in the notebook everything-everything that you have accumulated for the whole day. Do not reread, do not cross out anything. The main thing - do not keep it to yourself. Studies show that such a habit will help reduce anxiety, relieve depressive conditions. Do not want to write? Turn on the recorder.

5. Create a personal mantra. Try to come up with a special phrase. I can immediately calm you down. Call it affirmation, mantra or something else. The main thing is that it should be effective. As soon as you feel that you are boiling with anger, say to yourself something like: "Everything passes. This too will pass. I'm stronger than all this. It and my little finger is not worth it. "

Habits that increase your productivity and performance:

1. Turn into a hero. If you have a difficult business meeting or work on a heavy project, imagine what in this situation would make your favorite super-hero or it could be a well-known historical figure. So, will he cope with the difficulties? Will it be intimidated or calm? This habit will help you eventually get rid of all those unnecessary experiences, negative emotions that prevent success.

2. End of the working day. Before you go home, scroll 5 minutes of your time to write down all your current achievements and failures in the notebook. Divide the list into two columns. Pay attention to what took most of the time. Thus, you can understand what distracts you from work and makes you less productive person.

3. Turn off notifications. Getting to work, set aside the mobile, close the extra tabs in the browser. Your attention should not be distracting. Our brain is very difficult to work in multitasking mode, and therefore every 30 minutes you should not go to Facebook and update the news line. A person, without realizing it, spends about 40% of his time on doing unnecessary things.

4. Do not rush to answer. If your colleagues suggest you go to the exhibition of contemporary art, do not hurry to agree or, on the contrary, refuse. The best answer is: "Thank you. I'll look in my diary and I'll give an answer later. " Thus, you can weigh all the pros and cons, to understand whether it is worthwhile to go. The main thing - do not cut from the shoulder and do not give quick answers.

5. Think about your goals. 5 minutes a day, give an analysis of what you want to achieve in your career. Visualize the result, imagine how you achieve what you want.

Habits that improve relationships:

1. Every day, write sms, call, send letters to the mail to at least one friend or someone from family members. Of course, it's not always easy to keep in touch with people close to you. Many do not even understand the importance of 5-minute investment in relationships. But as a result of such an investment we get a strong friendship, absence of resentment against each other and support at any time of the day.

2. Make a letter of thanks weekly. This exercise should be done solely for yourself. In a calm environment, write a letter, ostensibly, addressing all those who influenced your life, tell them everything that would be reported in person. Interestingly, the ability to be grateful reduces the amount of fear in life.

3. End the day with words of thanks or encouragement. Just say to yourself why you are grateful for what you have achieved for today. If you have a second half, let her know how much you appreciate her, how grateful that you are with each other.

4. Develop the ability to listen and hear. Learn not to interrupt your interlocutor. Give him the opportunity to talk. Thus, you will let him know that for you this conversation is valuable, you value his opinion.

5. Do not rush to live. Have you noticed that we all fly somewhere, trying to achieve what we want? This increases the level of stress, undermines our health. That's why at least once a week you need to give yourself the opportunity to relax, without looking at the clock. In addition, allow yourself to be alone with your own "I". In addition, constant communication with people is great, but it can take energy from us and can lead to emotional burnout. That's why not to become a misanthrope, not to worsen the quality of your life, it is important to give yourself a time-out and at least for a few minutes to isolate yourself from the outside world.

Habits that help change attitudes towards society and the environment:

1. Take a short walk around your house and collect garbage. It sounds horrible, right? This daily or weekly ritual will help you change your attitude to what you see every day. No wonder they say that global changes in the world begin with small ones. Who knows, maybe you will become an example for imitation?

2. Say hello to your neighbors. Create a friendly atmosphere around you. Do not forget that, as we treat society, so it applies to us. Now you have greeted your neighbor, tomorrow conversation will start. In a week you will understand that this is a very interesting interlocutor, and a month later he will call and wonder whether you need to buy something in the store or, perhaps, you feel bad and you need to walk your dog.

3. Travel. This is a great way to open new perspectives in life. Howard Schultz traveled through Europe and literally fell in love with local coffeeshops. Do you know what happened next? He opened Starbucks.

4. A little charity. You do not need to give all your wages to the poor. Just once, buy a homeless grandmother a sausage stick or build a booth for cats that are constantly sleeping under the cars at your entrance. If you want, you can transfer at least $ 1 monthly to certain charitable funds. To improve the world is easier than it may seem at first glance.

5. Remember the names of people. If you refer to others by name, they, in turn, will respond with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Speaking of someone's name, you show that you do not care that you select this person and recognize him.