No one is without sin: 17 photos about how jealousy actually looks!

No, we are not going to read to you sermons and morals about the seven deadly sins, for you remember well: "Who among you without sin, let the first throw a stone into it" ...

Indeed, in the modern world it is very difficult to resist the temptation and not to fall into despair, not to succumb to a flash of anger or cease to be jealous. Especially when it's simply impossible!

1. She held herself for a long time, as she could, but ...

2. Well, in another way it was simply impossible to react!

3. Yes it is not special!

4. Alas, life is unfair ...

5. We do not want anyone like that!

6. When the reasons for envy are too obvious!

7. But everything comes from childhood!

8. For real female friendship there can be only one obstacle. More precisely - two!

9. Well, how did he behave in this situation?

10. There's nothing else you can do ...

11. Do you still say something about people ...

12. Ah, unlucky!

13. Why is one lucky and the other not?

14. This is just unbearable!

15. That's always the case - one at a time, and the other - sit and do not envy!

16. Hopefully, there were no other deadly sins ...

17. Well, it's time to remember your pride. Although this, it seems, is also a sin?

Perhaps, we will put on this point until we smoothly went over to gluttony ...