The dog was bitten by a tick - what should I do?

In the warm season, there is always an opportunity after a walk with a dog to find a tick on her body. And the owner immediately raises the question: what to do, if the beloved dog was bitten by a tick and what should be the treatment?

On dogs, cats and even on human skin, external or ixodid mites and internal scabies parasitize. When you bite a tick, first of all you need to remove it from the body of the dog, and the sooner you do it, the better. If you want to do this yourself, then first treat the body of the mite with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or even kerosene. Then take tweezers, fix the body of the mite and carefully rotate the movements of the insect out of the skin. Do not pull and do not jerk the mite sharply, as this part may come off and remain in the skin, and this can cause inflammation. After the parasite is removed, the wound should be burned with iodine or zelenka. If you do not risk doing this procedure on your own, then you should contact a veterinarian who, with special tools, will safely remove the stuck tick. If necessary, the veterinarian may prescribe an antiallergic and sedative medication to the dog.

Treatment of a dog with a tick of an ixodid mite

If the dog is bitten by a parasite, then there is a real danger of infection of the animal with some infectious disease, the carrier of which is the ixodid tick. Therefore, it is so important to carefully monitor the health of your pet. The most dangerous disease transmitted by insects is pyroplasmosis of dogs. During the tick bite, along with its saliva, pyroplasms - the simplest microorganisms - enter the skin of the dog. Within 6-15 days (incubation period), the state of health of the animal remains normal, and then the symptoms of the disease appear: fever, lack of appetite, lethargy, urine acquires a dark color, sometimes even with an admixture of blood. If the dog has at least one of the listed symptoms, you should definitely contact the veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis. If necessary, treatment should be started as soon as possible. Pyroplasmosis is a very dangerous disease, which in itself will not pass and delay in treatment can result in the death of the animal. Vaccines against this terrible disease, unfortunately, no.

There is one more, although not so common, disease, the carrier of which is also a tick - borreliosis or Lyme disease. The incubation period in this disease is very long, up to several months, and in most dogs the symptoms may not appear. Therefore, if you notice a lameness in your pet against a high temperature, lethargy, rash and skin erosion, be sure to contact your veterinarian. With a tick bite, the doctor will prescribe the treatment of the dog.

Scabies mite in dogs - treatment

Scabies mites cause ear and scabies in dogs. Treatment of ear scabies is to clean the ear canal and instill special drops. Affected skin on the ears of the animal should be lubricated with anti-inflammatory and acaricidal ointments.

Demokoz is a systemic disease of the whole organism of a dog, therefore and its treatment should be complex. Before starting treatment, the animal should be thoroughly washed in order to cleanse the skin of dead particles. Then wipe dry and rub in the damaged skin with special anti-inflammatory, anti-cellulite and anti-allergic ointments. If the dog is worried about severe itching, then soothing ointments should be added to the treatment.

Do not risk your dog's health and regularly prevent tick bites with the help of special veterinary drugs. Treating your pet's skin once every three to four weeks, you are most likely to prevent an attack of mites on it.