Tilda horse

Lovely and delicate tilde crafts have long won the hearts of needlewomen all over the world. It is not difficult to sew such a toy, if all the necessary materials are at hand, and the pattern is already ready. We suggest you to sew the original doll horse-tilde with your own hands. How? This is our master class!

We will need:

  1. Using the pattern below, transfer it to the cut-off section of satin. The larger the pattern, the easier it is to sew a teld to a horse.
  2. Now you need to flash your ears, not forgetting to leave a hole through which they then have to be turned. Between the ears, make a larger cut so that the fabric is not pulled together.
  3. After this, proceed to stitch the calf of the horse, inserting the ears into place.
  4. Insert the ribbon inside and, when stitching, check its position to avoid accidentally stitching.
  5. Turn out the sewn detail and fill it with sintepon or holofayberom. Eliminate excess tissue, and sew a hole with a secret seam.
  6. It's time to decorate a horse, sewing a mane from woolen threads and drawing eyes, nostrils with watercolors. On the neck, you can sew a decoration of beads and just tie a beautiful ribbon. The horse-tilde is ready!

As you can see, it is not difficult to sew a tilde. This craft can serve as an ornament, and a toy for your child.

Ideas for decoration

In addition to tapes, a variety of patches, appliqués and accessories, doll-tilde decoration can also be done with fabric toning. Very nice look at crafts, tildes, the bodies of which are processed with a solution of coffee, glue PVA and cinnamon. This mixture is applied to a cloth with a soft fluffy brush. Slightly shading from the seams to the center. In addition to an unobtrusive brownish color with a tinged transition from the seams to the center, you will present the tilde with a light aroma of coffee and cinnamon. If you want the hand-crafted touch to be velvety, wait until the tint is completely dry and treat the fabric with the most sparing sandpaper.

Another idea of ​​tinting is a mix of brown and golden colors. Gently "knocks" brush put the paint on the fabric, shading to the center. If you accidentally left a brown blob on the toy, do not panic! It can be masked with golden paint. Do so many layers until the result satisfies you.

In the same technique, you can sew a bear , a hare and a cat .