What do they eat cognac?

Before you understand what to eat properly cognac, you still have to deal with the drink itself. First, the right to call your drink cognac is not so many producers, the rest are written on the brandy label.

The fact is that correctly cognac is not a snack at all. This drink is made for that, so that the consumer feels his taste. Even the cognac glasses themselves are produced so that the drinker of this drink can fully enjoy the aroma and all its shades, which were achieved for years in the production of cognac, from the wine vine to the clogged bottle. And this is not only the work of these years, when this bottle was produced, it is the invaluable experience of cognac producers accumulated for centuries.

Some cognac houses such as "Courvoisier" number centuries of their history and cognac of their work, but rather works, rather than production, drank still Napoleon, in honor of which one of the skates of this company was named. In the homeland of this drink it is used after eating, after drinking a cup of coffee and lighting a cigar, it is not considered a drink of a feast, but rather is identified with a quiet rest in a comfortable armchair. Cognac does not like the bustle, the one who drinks it must enjoy every note of its taste and aroma.

What is served to cognac for snacks?

Not all such cognac connoisseurs, and many people use it during meals, even the French. Therefore, there are some rules for using cognac with snacks, or rather rules for snacks that are served to cognac. If you start from the beginning of the feast, then the best cold snack for cognac is:

From hot dishes and snacks, so it's more often game or lamb. But it must necessarily be their more lean parts, not fat at all, without the use of a large number of spicy herbs and any sharp spices. The food served to cognac should in no case interrupt its taste or aroma, the taste and smell of snacks should only shade those qualities of cognac because of which it is consumed.

Can I serve dessert with brandy?

A separate theme of snacks for this drink can be considered desserts, there is undoubtedly much more flight for the fancy cook. Since the fruits are perfectly combined with cognac, then desserts based on them are perfect as snacks. Even ordinary baked apples with honey will undoubtedly be an excellent snack, not to mention comparing them with a sour lemon in the same role. If we talk about fruits in general, then the same fruit that grows in the homeland of this drink is better for cognac. So, covering the table with assorted apples, pears, grapes and strawberries so familiar to us, you will not go wrong in the slightest.

Ancient Russian snack "Nikolashka"

In Russia, yes, in principle, and throughout the former Soviet Union, it is often customary to snack cognac with lemon. There are legends on this topic, one of them tells that Emperor Nicholas I drank cognac and counted it too strong decided to have a snack, and from the food side there was only a lemon. And after that, an appetizer for cognac appeared in Russia, called "Nikolashka". Another of the legends says that "Nikolaska" appeared as a consequence of Nicholas II's love to bite a cognac with lemon and a snack was developed specially for him. It looks like this: a round slice of lemon is conventionally divided exactly in half and one finely ground coffee is poured onto one half, and the other powdered sugar . Now the recipe has certainly been transformed and that already only do not use enterprising culinary experts, and grated chocolate and red caviar and even pepper. Here such here has turned out snack to cognac in a hurry in Russian.