25 illegal products that you should not eat

Have you ever tried anything illegal? It sounds, of course, strange, but anything in life can be. And how can food be illegal?

In fact, some products are forbidden to use because of the possibility of disappearing the species or the content of harmful substances. However, if some food is banned in one country, it is not necessarily that it will also be banned in another country. Therefore, if you wish, you can try these delicacies, but remember the consequences. Do you want to know which products are so mysterious that many countries have recognized them as illegal and forbidden to use !? In this post we have collected the most common.

1. Sassafras oil

This oil from the dried bark of a sassafras tree was once the main ingredient in tea and beer. However, it was forbidden to use this oil when the researchers found a high level of carcinogens in the composition.

2. The Royal Sink

Found in waters stretching from Florida to Brazil, the royal shell was banned in all US states because of the excessive catch of this species of marine creatures.

3. Mirabelle Plums (Mirabelle)

A tasty variety of French plum Mirabel is available to a few. More precisely, Mirabel is a unique plum variety, 70% of which is grown in France. Therefore, this variety is protected by regional legislation and is banned from export from the country.

4. Sea turtles

It is believed that turtle soup is one of the most delicious delicacies in the world. But almost all countries of the world have banned the use of turtles because of the possibility of destroying the species.

5. Bloody Pork Dessert

This dessert is made of pork blood and sticky rice, so for sanitary reasons you can try it only in Thailand.

6. Unpasteurized milk

21 states in the world prohibit the sale of "raw" milk. Unpasteurized milk - milk, obtained immediately after milking and not passing any heat treatment. Because of the possible contamination with harmful bacteria that can be contained in milk, countries prohibit the sale of such a product.

7. Samsa

Samsa is banned in Somalia because the al-Shabaab sect decided that the snack is "offensive" and too Christian. It is the shape of the samsa - triangular - that reminds them of the symbol of Christians of the Holy Trinity.

8. Poppy seeds

It's no secret that poppy seeds contain opiates and are used for opium production, so poppy is banned in Singapore, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. In 2013, a 43-year-old man was arrested in the UAE because of 102 g of poppy. He was given 4 years of imprisonment and deported at the end of his sentence.

9. Liver in calf's lung

This delicious Scottish dish is banned in the US, because it is made from sheep's lung, which violates food safety regulations.

10. Absinthe

Despite the fact that in 1997 the ban on some diluted forms of this drink was lifted, in the United States, the use of absinthe is still banned.

11. Mangosteen

A delicious Thai fruit was banned in some countries because of fear of catching an Asian fruit fly. In 2007, the ban was partially abolished, but before the import to countries, the fruit must undergo a thorough irradiation.

12. Olestra

Synthetic fat substitute, which is used in many snacks. But more recently this product was recognized as one of the worst inventions in the world. Olestra is banned in the UK and Canada.

13. Chilean Sea Perch

Some countries do not prohibit the use of sea bass. But in more than 24 countries, uncertified portions of fish are illegal, mainly because of excessive catch.

14. Kasu Marzu

Kasu marzu is translated as "rotten cheese", it is also called "cheese with larvae". During ripening, the cheese is left in the air, allowing the flies to lay eggs in the cheese. Since Kasu Marz does not comply with the hygienic norms of the European Union, it was outlawed.

15. Fruits of aki

Aki is a surprisingly delicious fruit from Jamaica, with which you need to be very careful. Because of the content of toxins in the composition of the fruit is prohibited from being imported into many countries. If there is any given fruit wrong, it will lead to vomiting and even death.

16. Horse meat

Despite the fact that horse meat is a delicacy, many countries refused to deliberately kill horses for horse meat.

17. Preservatives

Despite the fact that many food products contain these substances, in the US it is permissible to use them. But the European Union and Japan have banned many preservatives.

18. Japanese puffer fish

Almost all over the world it is forbidden to eat fish-puffer because of the huge amount of paralyzing toxins. If you do not help the victim in time, then a person can die from paralyzing suffocation.

19. Shark Fins

Finishing - the removal of fins, and then the subsequent release of the shark back into the water, is illegal. In Asia, there are smart dishes based on shark fins, which are in demand, but in the rest of the world such poaching is prohibited.

20. Red perch

The only place where you can legally sell red perch is the Mississippi. The fact is that in 1980 the demand for this fish was so huge that the whole species was under threat of extinction. Therefore it was necessary to prohibit the sale of this fish.

21. Foie Gras

Everyone knows that foie gras is one of the most expensive and insanely delicious delicacies in the world. But at different times and in different parts of the world this dish was banned because of too inhuman treatment of geese.

22. Food coloring

Despite the fact that food coloring alone is not a food product, nevertheless, many dishes are used. Therefore, all over the world, strict observance of all standards of production is monitored.

23. Beluga caviar

Due to its popularity among chefs and visitors to Beluga restaurants, caviar has become a rare and expensive dish for sale. Therefore, it was decided to prohibit the illegal fishing of this fish because of the possibility of extinction of the species.

24. Ortholans

Ortholan is a tiny bird of the family of oatmeal, which weighs less than 30 grams. This bird was a favorite French dish in the 1960s. Soon there was a ban on fishing and sale of ortholanes due to the rapidly declining population of the species.

25. Kinder-surprise

Famous chocolate eggs are banned in the US because of the plastic toy contained inside the egg. Since the child can choke with this toy, and also because the plastic has a negative effect on the product itself, the kinder-surprise was banned for sale in the US. Perhaps Kinder Joy will enjoy greater popularity, since the toy and the chocolate itself are located side by side, but do not touch each other.