Skimming - planting and care

Unusual, bright, eye-catching coloring of the leaves and inflorescences, the beauty of the scumia is able to decorate any garden plot or the local territory. The skimp is unpretentious in the care, does not require special conditions for planting and well takes root in our latitudes. It can be grown as a single plant or formed from it a hedge . Scummy is beautiful at any time of year: the bluish-green leaves in the spring by the autumn are transformed, become fiery red, orange, purple. Blooms in the second half of the summer, covering itself with flying long pink threads, making the plant look like a cap of thick hair. Therefore, the scullie is also called a wig tree. Decorative shrub shrimp are of two types:

Cultivation of scum

It is most preferable to make a scootie landing in areas well-lit and warmed, protected from winds. In shaded areas, the growth of the scum will be very slow. He does not like scumia and areas excessively moist, with closely-buried groundwater. The soil for the cultivation of scooties is suitable any, because it has a well-branched and powerful root system. The ideal for growing scum will be a light and alkaline soil. When choosing a site for growing scum, you should remember that in time the plant will develop into a sprawling tree, which needs space. Having planted young seedlings of scum on an open site, the first few years they will have to hide for the winter. Adult schumpia well tolerates frosts and does not need additional protection in winter. In order to have a good snack, it is necessary to plant it in the spring. In regions with warm winters, you can plant mackerel and fall.

Sculpture: Reproduction

You can propagate scum in a variety of ways:

  1. Reproduction of scummery by layers. The lower branch is slightly incised, bent to the ground and fixed, sprinkled with a small layer of soil, and after the formation of the roots are separated from the mother's bush.
  2. Reproduction of scum with cuttings. Cuttings harvested in the first half of summer (June-beginning of July) are planted in a greenhouse , pre-soaked for a night in a solution of heteroauxin. After planting cuttings need abundant and frequent watering.
  3. Reproduction of scampia seeds. Seeds for planting are harvested in August-September. They are sown in open ground in autumn or spring. In order for the seeds to spring in the spring, they must first be scarified (disrupt the integrity of the outer cover) and stratified. For the autumn sowing, additional seed preparation is not required. In the soil, the seeds are sealed to a depth of two centimeters.

Skin Care

Decorative shrimp bushes do not require special care, only needing watering for some time after planting and in particular arid periods. It will not be superfluous to mulch the soil around the bush to preserve moisture and enrich it. It is desirable to additionally feed the plant with a small amount of complex fertilizers during the flowering period.

Sculpture: pruning

Periodically, it is necessary to carry out sanitary scraps of scum - removal of damaged branches of pests, diseases and frosts. Formative pruning of ornamental shrub shrubs is carried out in the spring period before the leaves have blossomed every two to three years. It is not necessary to trim the mackerel more often and very much at the same time to get involved, as this will weaken the flowering.