Onyx stone - magical properties

Onyx is one of the varieties of agate. The stone has strips of a different color from the main one. By the way, the less of them, the more valuable the mineral is. His incredible abilities were known hundreds of years ago. Mention of onyx can be found in the Bible. It was this stone that was present on the throne of King Solomon. There are several varieties of this stone that act on humans in a special way.

Magic properties of the onyx stone

The mineral was used by the tribal leaders, because they believed that it gives strength, allows you to achieve the desired and power over other people. With his help, they won wars and gained longevity. Different products made of onyx placed in the house help to save the world and protect against negative influence from the outside. Talismans from this mineral enable their owners to direct the existing energy in the right direction. The magical properties of onyx are in his ability to rid the person of any negative. To do this, you just need to hold the stone between your hands. There is also the opinion that if you drink water from onyx crockery, then you can strengthen your love and friendship. It is worth considering that the strength of the stone will be felt only by a person with a good heart. The amulet made of onyx will give the owner confidence and firmness.

Folk healers have believed since ancient times that onyx with their energy helps to overcome any disease. It is recommended to apply it to get rid of stress, stress and depression. If you wear jewelry with a mineral, you can notice increased hearing, better memory and mood . Silver products with onyx have a positive effect on the heart and help fight insomnia. Many believe that the mineral helps improve potency. People who study the magical properties of stones, argue that water, infused on onyx, helps in losing weight, as it reduces appetite.

Magical properties of black onyx

Mages often use this stone in their rituals, as it increases internal energy. Given this, the amulets made from it will be useful to people who are rapidly losing power. Black onyx helps to become more tolerant and easier to concentrate on the necessary things. It is recommended to have decorations for people who often appear in public or students. The pendant of their mineral will help improve the work of the internal organs and strengthen the spine.

Magical properties of green onyx

Wards from this stone help to resist failures and save from premature death. For young people who marry, the mineral will help to find well-being and peace. By the way, products from green onyx passed from generation to generation have incredible power. If a person wants to get rid of bad habits, then he needs to have a product from this mineral.

The magical properties of marble onyx

This stone allows a person to gather together and direct forces in the right direction. Amulets from a mineral keep a person from spoiling and other negative influences. The stone makes a man more attractive in the eyes of other people. It fits all the signs of the zodiac. For medicinal purposes, the mineral is used to normalize the calcium metabolism, helps to reduce inflammation, pain and swelling.

Magical properties of white onyx

The product from this mineral helps to protect its owner from wrong and reckless decisions. Thanks to the stone, people start thinking clearly and logically. Amulets from white onyx are considered to be the most powerful. They help to unlock creativity and temper the ardor.