A tooth of wisdom - all the features of growth and treatment of the eight

The human jaw is finally formed at the age of 22-27 years. By this time he must have 32 molars, 16 on top and bottom. Third molars or "eight" erupt much later, from 17-18 years. Because of this, they received their well-known name.

What is the wisdom tooth?

All molars have an identical structure and almost the same number of roots. "Eight", the wisdom tooth is no exception. It consists of the following elements:

The only difference between the tooth "eight" and the standard molars is the period of its eruption. It begins to form at the age of 6-7 years in the jawbone. Gradually the wisdom tooth increases in size (mainly the crown part and the pulp chamber). By the age of 15-17, roots begin to form, as a result of which direct growth occurs.

How many wisdom teeth does a person have?

In 92% of the world's population, 4 third molars are formed, 2 on the upper and lower jaws. Some people (about 0.1%) have 6 or more "eights", sometimes they do not form at all (about 8%). On how many wisdom teeth will grow, affects:

Do you need wisdom teeth?

Progressive dentists have established that the entities under consideration are vestigial organs. In modern children, the primary adentia of the third molars is increasingly observed - a condition in which both the roots of the wisdom tooth and its coronal part are absent. This is due to the change in the diet of mankind. Previously, people had to eat more rough and solid food, which had to increase the size of the jaw. The development of civilization led to the predominance in the menu of softer and processed dishes, which do not require additional chewing surface.

The wisdom tooth is a residual molar, which was necessary for primitive people, but has long lost its functions. He no longer participates in the chewing process, so it is not an important part of the jaw apparatus. Theoretically, the "eight" can be useful in prosthetics as a support for the bridge , fixing the attacker or clammer. More often the third molar is removed due to the potential danger with which its growth is associated:

How do wisdom teeth grow?

Erection of the "eights" occurs individually for each person. All four of the third molars can grow simultaneously, but more often they appear one at a time. If the tooth of wisdom is cut, a lot of unpleasant symptoms are felt, many people have complications in the form of inflammation and suppuration of the gum. Due to the cessation of the growth of the jaw for the "eights" there is too little room, so their appearance is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome.

When do wisdom teeth begin to grow?

The standard age at which the eruption of third molars occurs is 17-18 years. Sometimes only one tooth of wisdom grows in the specified period, and the rest appear later, to 27 years maximum. Later the G8 never break through. Often the third molar is confused with pericoronitis, which arose on the background of damage to the mucocutaneous hood over the half-retrieved crown.

How the wisdom tooth grows - symptoms

Erection is accompanied by unpleasant signs, stimulating a person to seek help from a dentist. The growing wisdom tooth symptoms are the following:

If the third molar tooth (the "eight", wisdom) erupts not completely or incorrectly, there are dangerous complications:

Why do not wisdom teeth grow?

Some people have never encountered the problems listed above. Explanations, why do not grow wisdom teeth in adults, only two. The first option is the adentia of the third molars. In this case, the G8 simply did not form in childhood. Their complete absence is extremely rare, mainly in children born after 2000. More often there are only 2 molars (upper or lower).

The second reason why the wisdom tooth did not erupt is an absolute or partial retention. In this situation, the G8 finally formed, but could not grow. This is due to their incorrect location in the jaw cavity or lack of free space in the dentition. This variant of the development of events is considered dangerous, because the retouched third molars lead to the destruction of neighboring roots, severe inflammation, the appearance of neoplasms in the gums, neurological diseases and other pathologies.

The tooth of wisdom hurts - what to do?

Unpleasant sensations during the eruption of the G-8 can be conditionally classified into light and dangerous. If the wisdom tooth hurts, the reasons are as follows:

The tooth of wisdom grows and hurts

The symptom described is always accompanied by the eruption of the third molar due to rupture of the gingival tissue. When the "eight" tooth crawls, it swells and turns red, there may be a slight bleeding. If the inflammation is weak and there is no pus, cope with the presented problem easily and at home:

  1. Limit the load on the growing wisdom tooth, try not to chew the solid food from the side where it is cutting.
  2. In the morning, in the middle of the day and in the evening rinse the mouth with a solution of Chlorhexidine for 1 minute.
  3. Immediately after antiseptic treatment, lubricate the gum with HOLISAL gel.
  4. With a strong pain syndrome, take a non-steroidal analgesic - Nimesil, Ketanov or any similar drug.

Sometimes the listed recommendations do not help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. In such situations, pain can be caused not only by slight gingival inflammation, but also by pressure from the G-8 on adjacent teeth. If there is a suspicion of this problem, you should immediately contact a specialist. The wrong arrangement of the crown of the third molar leads to the destruction of neighboring roots.

The wisdom tooth has inflamed

When the growth of the G-8 continues very long and painfully, pericoronaritis often begins. This is an acute inflammation of the mucocutaneous hood over the third molar, accompanied by the release of a large amount of pus. A bad wisdom tooth, especially in the presence of caries, can provoke severe consequences, up to sepsis. Pericoronaritis is stopped only by the dentist, it is impossible to cope with it alone.

The tooth of the "eight" is to be treated or removed?

The opinions of the doctors on the issue under consideration were divided. The decision on whether to remove a wisdom tooth in a specific situation is accepted only by a qualified doctor with the consent of the patient, based on the following indicators:

Modern doctors practicing in the developed countries of Europe and the United States have a negative answer to the question whether the tooth of the G-8 is being treated. Among progressive dentists it is accepted to immediately pull out third molars immediately after their eruption, often all at the same time under general anesthesia. It is believed that the G8 has more potential threats than the perceived benefits.

Wisdom tooth extraction

The described procedure is a standard manipulation in dental practice. There is a simple and complex removal of the tooth of the G-8. The type of surgical intervention depends on whether the third molar has erupted completely, as far as its sinuous and long roots, the whole crown. To pull out the lower teeth is always heavier than the upper ones. Such "eight" denser "sit" in the jaw, often have curved and intertwined roots.

How to remove the wisdom tooth?

If the procedure is simple, it is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Inspection. The doctor assesses the condition of the third molar, makes an anamnesis for allergic reactions and the tolerability of certain medications.
  2. Anesthesia. With the help of an injection in the gum, the specialist anesthetizes the working area. This is the only time when a person is hurt, the rest of the time the patient does not feel anything. If the bottom wisdom tooth is removed, the drug should be allowed to stand for about a quarter of an hour. When removing the upper third molar - 4-5 minutes.
  3. Extraction. By means of elevators or tongs, the dentist pulls out the "eight". The well is treated with an antiseptic and hemostatic agent, sometimes it is closed with a sterile swab.

In the case of a complex procedure, careful preparation is required. How is the removal of the G-8 tooth in the presence of retention, inflammation or other problems:

  1. X-rays and anamnesis. Diagnosis is performed to establish the exact location of the third molar, the size, curvature and plexus of its roots.
  2. Anesthesia. In this situation, an increased amount of anesthetic is used, because the operation can last about 2 hours.
  3. Extraction. With a difficult removal often requires a cut of the gums, the drilling of bone tissue. When a shaded wisdom tooth is diagnosed, it is sometimes necessary to extract an adjacent molar to obtain free access.
  4. Postoperative treatment. The dentist rinses the wound with an antiseptic and sutures it.

Well after removal of wisdom tooth

Formed wound requires careful care, detailed advice is given by a specialist. The gums after the removal of the wisdom tooth will heal faster if you follow the doctor's advice clearly:

  1. For 20 minutes, keep a sterile gauze swab in the hole to stop bleeding. After the allotted time, it must be removed so that the wound does not become infected.
  2. For 2-3 hours nothing is.
  3. Drink only warm drinks.
  4. Do not take hot baths for several days, do not make warming compresses, it can trigger inflammation.
  5. Eliminate the use of alcohol until the wound begins to tighten.
  6. Refuse from smoking for at least 4-5 hours.
  7. Do not touch the socket with your fingers and any objects, even sterile.
  8. Try not to open your mouth wide.
  9. Do not chew on the side of the remote molar.
  10. Baths and rinses are allowed only if they are prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, it is strictly forbidden to do so. Such procedures can lead to the washing out of the blood clot from the wound, which is necessary for its proper healing.

When the gum and jaw are severely sore after removing the wisdom tooth, it is recommended to apply ice compresses to the cheek (change every 10 minutes, 3-4 times). If the cold does not help, you need to take a non-steroidal analgesic:

In the case of purulent gingival inflammation, the dentist will prescribe an individual short-term (4-6 days) course of therapy, including:

After removing the "eight" sore neighboring teeth

Often described procedure is accompanied by intense discomfort. The patient feels pain after removing the wisdom tooth, not only in the area of ​​an open wound, but also in neighboring zones, sometimes the whole jaw "whines". This symptom occurs for 2 reasons:

  1. Damage to the gums and squeezing the injured area with the roots of neighboring molars. In this case, the pain will disappear on its own for several days, it can be stopped with analgesics and cold compresses.
  2. Inflammatory process. When the well becomes infected, suppuration begins. This leads to swelling, an increase in body temperature and unbearable pain. In this situation, you need to urgently consult a dentist.