Wen eyelids - how to get rid?

Lipomas germinate from the connective tissue. These are benign neoplasms. Since they greatly spoil the appearance, you want to get rid of the Wen's eyelids on the eyelids as soon as possible. There are a lot of ways to treat them. Some of the fair sex even learned to fix the problem at home.

How to remove a wen on the eyelid?

The reasons for the appearance of the fatty acids are not fully understood. It is assumed that lipomas can be formed due to impaired metabolism , endocrine system diseases, diabetes mellitus and genetic predisposition.

Lipoma can develop in any part of the body. As a rule, it is necessary to suffer a back, hardly more rarely neoplasms are found out on the extremities. It happens that wives appear on the eyelids. They can be very small, but sometimes reach impressive sizes.

Whatever it was, the removal of Wen's eye eyelids is best entrusted to specialists in cosmetology. Methods of treatment have already been developed enough. So even those patients who are afraid that after the operation they will have a scar on their face will be able to choose the appropriate procedure:

  1. After the intervention of traditional surgery, the scar will indeed remain. Therefore, they resort to this method of therapy very rarely - only in those cases when the lipoma becomes too large.
  2. The best way to get rid of a wen in the upper eyelid is by laser surgery. This method is expensive, but completely bloodless, painless and does not leave a trace after itself.
  3. Neoplasms of medium size can be sucked during liposuction. The procedure involves preliminary softening of the lipoma.
  4. By analogy with liposuction is treated with special chemical preparations. The latter are simply introduced into the fat capsule. And after a while the melted fat is sucked off by the tube.

How to remove a fatty eyelid at home?

If you can not contact a specialist, you can remove the wen yourself. The main thing is to prepare very carefully for the procedure: treat all instruments with an antiseptic , wash your hands, cleanse the skin over the lipoma.

For removal you will need a thin sharp needle. Quickly puncture the tumor and gently squeeze its contents. Do not pick the wound and do not apply too much pressure on the lipoma. Immediately after the operation, once again, treat the skin over the wen.