How to remove the smell from the mouth?

This seemingly small problem can become a source of great trouble. Floating from the mouth of the ambre can discourage the interlocutor from any desire to conduct business negotiations, listen to confessions of love, or even discuss something in common. A person who knows about the unpleasant properties of his breathing, feels insecure, experiences constant discomfort when communicating. So the question "how to remove the smell from the mouth" is by no means an idle one.

Causes of bad breath

The reasons for the unpleasant odor (in the scientist it is called halitosis) is somewhat. The main ones are problems with the digestive tract, dental diseases and gastronomic predilections. In order to cope with halitosis, you should first determine the culprit of its occurrence. From this, methods of countering a malicious phenomenon depend.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, putrefactive bacteria accumulate in the esophagus, which secrete hydrogen sulphide. If breathing clearly gives off the smell of rotten eggs or vinegar, how to remove the smell from the mouth can only be solved by a doctor.

As for the condition of the teeth and gums, this is one of the main culprits of foul breath. Bacteria find shelter in the damaged areas of the oral cavity and are accepted for active reproduction. Their life activity is the source of halitosis. Recommendations here are obvious - regularly brush your teeth, do not forget to visit your dentist regularly, which, by the way, can give you individual advice on how to remove the smell from your mouth. It is advisable to brush your teeth after each meal, but if this is not possible, then the chewing gum will partly replace the toothbrush.

Damage to the purity and freshness of breathing is also caused by some products. The smell of alcohol from the mouth is not easy to remove, and the smell from the mouth of garlic is even harder to remove. Such products as onions, fish, beer, too, create a hard-to-transport smell. So before an important meeting, we must refrain from such a meal. Do not differ pleasant breath and smokers.

Can I still remove the bad breath?

Continuous prevention, moderate consumption of smell-initiating products, control over your health will help restore fresh breath. But all this is achieved gradually. And how to remove the smell from the mouth, if an important meeting in a few minutes and "fragrant" do not want to completely? For this, there are both medical and folk remedies.

The smell of alcohol from the mouth can be removed with the help of drugs sold in pharmacies like the famous "Antipolitsey". Sometimes it is used to remove other flavors, for example, try to remove the smell of onion from the mouth. In principle, this is possible, but it should be remembered that the effect of these drugs is very short.

There are many folk ways how to quickly and effectively remove bad breath. Most simple - chew a few minutes of sprigs of parsley or mint, which with their scent will beat off the smell of any origin. Purify the mouth and some fruits and berries, for example, apples, grapes, strawberries, watermelon. They contribute to salivation, which flushes harmful bacteria. The smell of garlic from the mouth can be removed with the help of tarragon. If you want to get rid of unpleasant odors, not for a minute, but for a long time, it is useful to rinse your mouth with decoctions of wormwood, chamomile, oak bark. The smell of gastric origin is eliminated by the morning intake of salt water for a minimum of five days. After this, you need to drink water with milk or grab porridge on milk. With gastritis or ulcers, salt water is replaced with ordinary melt water.

Everyone can solve the problem called "How to remove the smell from the mouth" It is important not only to limit the time masking of the smell, but to eradicate its cause.