About Easter for children

On the eve of the most important holiday for Christians around the world, parents of kids should tell the children about the Passover of Christ. After all, this is a very interesting and magical moment, especially when the kid sees in the church that people are lighting candles and the choir is singing solemn psalms.

Let even the child and small, and your family is not very religious, but still it is worth talking about Easter to your children before the holiday, because it is interesting and exciting. Especially it is pleasant to kids to help mum to decorate celebratory kulichiki and to observe how from a usual chicken egg there is a colorful work of art.

History of Easter for children

In order to make it interesting and understandable for kids, one should not go into tragic details. It is worth mentioning that Jesus Christ was crucified for human sins on the cross. After three days, the women found an open empty tomb and realized that he had risen from the realm of the dead.

The tradition of saying a certain greeting on Easter also went from that time. The woman who discovered the resurrection of Jesus ran to the emperor and proclaimed "Christ is risen!" And handed him a chicken egg as a symbol of life. And the emperor answered that if this were so, then this egg would become red. And immediately it happened. Startled, he exclaimed: "Truly, He is risen!" Since then, and it has been customary - people greet each other with these words.

How to tell the children about Easter?

Three-year-olds are unlikely to understand the essence of this holiday, but children of 5-6 years old can already feel the spirit of the holiday. Together with my mother in the kitchen, baking Easter buns and decorating krashenki and pysanka, the kid himself looks forward to the celebration.

It is worth telling the child that Easter is preceded by a strict fast, during which adults eat only lean food and think about God, trying to behave correctly. And to eat Easter cakes and painted eggs is possible only after visiting the church - then a festive basket with dishes is consecrated by a clergyman.