Blood in the feces of the baby

The blood in the feces of the baby is always a formidable condition. This can be a symptom of various diseases, so it requires urgent attention to a specialist. If there are any changes in the feces of the child, one immediately needs to remember if the baby was eating the foods that could stain the stool the day before. For example, if there were beets, tomatoes or chocolate in the lure, it could already cause red stools. Errors in the mother's diet can also cause these changes.

Blood in the feces of an infant is detected in the form of veins, interspersions, clots and changes in the color of stool. So, for example, with bleeding from the upper parts of the digestive tract, the blood in the stool of the infants stains the feces black, and with the pathology of the lower intestine - a bright scarlet color.

What causes the appearance of blood in the bowel movements?

Mucus and blood in the feces of the baby always indicates the presence of an inflammatory pathological process. Mucus appears as a consequence of excessive activity of glands of the mucous membrane and "sweating" of inflammatory exudative fluid into the intestinal cavity. The causes of the appearance of blood in the feces of the infants are as follows:

  1. Cracks in the mucosa of the rectum and in the region of the anal opening. Such injuries usually occur in the presence of hard stools, constipation and severe straining during defecation. Increases the risk of microtrauma formation in the intact wall of the intestine.
  2. Invagination or a better known name - the inversion of the intestine . This severe condition is one of the types of intestinal obstruction, in which one intestine is introduced into the lumen of another. In this case, the bowel movements are mucous and have the appearance of crimson jelly. It is characteristic that the child will be restless, crying because of the presence of pain syndrome. This situation requires hospitalization in a surgical hospital.
  3. Bloody stools in the feces of the baby can be the result of food allergies. Especially often this is observed with artificial feeding, when the pathological reaction is caused by the proteins of cow or goat's milk. In response to an allergen, the intestinal mucosa swells and becomes inflamed. And the blood vessels located in the organ wall can give small bleeding due to the fact that they become more brittle. Sometimes this symptom can be observed with lactase deficiency.
  4. Intestinal infection and helminthiases. Infections are usually accompanied by a plentiful, liquid stool and intense pain in the abdomen. Glistam is peculiar to penetrate into the mucous membrane or damage it. Correspondingly, the integrity of the vessels is disturbed. In this case, usually in infants, the blood in the feces is manifested in the form of red inclusions and strands.
  5. Bleeding polyps in the intestine .
  6. Ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines. In this situation, blood loss can be minor, prolonged, which contributes to the appearance of anemia.
  7. Hemorrhagic diathesis is a blood disease characterized by increased bleeding. One of its manifestations are gastrointestinal bleeding.
  8. If a nursing mother has microtraumas on the nipples, the baby can swallow a small amount of blood with milk, which affects the quality characteristics of the feces.


The identification of this condition usually does not cause difficulties. To suggest the possibility of additional symptoms and anamnesis of the disease. In the early stages of some chronic diseases, Gregersen's response helps in diagnosis. This test shows changes that we can not see with the naked eye. For example, a positive reaction to latent blood in the feces of the infants testifies to the presence of blood loss from the ulcer of the stomach or intestine, as well as helminthic invasion.