A child is hurt at school - what to do?

Child cruelty was always and, as a rule, it manifests itself very strongly. Everyone knows that in school, the weak are often bullied: calling them, taking away and spoiling things, kicking, etc. Even, it would seem, such a frivolous problem, as an insulting nickname, can hit hard on the psychology of a schoolboy, inflicting irreparable damage. What to do to parents, if the child is offended in school, first of all, to understand the situation.

How to behave to parents?

There are a number of problems when a child is offended at school, analyzing which, one can find some general solution:

  1. Unusual appearance: glasses, red hair, etc. Of course, offensive "four-eyed" or "When the grandfather killed a shovel?" In such situations you can hear quite often. It is very important to teach the child to be proud that he is not like everyone else. To do this, it is necessary to find a person (an actor, a politician, etc.) who has the same uncommon sign, but enjoys great authority in children. Although for this, you may have to change the haircut or the shape of the glasses a little.
  2. Disadvantages that need to be eliminated: weak physical preparation, excess weight, speech defects, crooked teeth , etc. If your child is hurt at school for these reasons, then the child needs the help of a specialist: speech therapist, dentist, etc. It is very important here not to let the situation slide, and even if there are no financial opportunities, then with some problems, for example, completeness, you can manage at home on your own.
  3. Unhealthy things. What parents should do if a child is offended at school due to the lack of beautiful and expensive things is a question that leads many to a dead end. Of course, you need to try to convince the baby that he has many other advantages, in addition to material benefits - you need to be proud of your knowledge, your achievements, worthy traits, manners and, of course, you need to carry it away with something. For example, by air modeling, handmade clothing, or by visiting a popular mug.

All these are situations that can be solved without involving others. However, if the child is hurt in the school by his classmates, causing personal injuries, extortion, property damage, then parents need to talk with the teachers and parents of the abusers, and if this does not help, then contact the police.

In addition, in order not to offend the child at school, it is recommended to read a prayer to the Guardian Angel "To protect children from calamities and misfortunes". It will help protect both the kid who went to first grade, and high school.

The text of the prayer: "I pray thee, my good-hearted keeper, who has benefited me, has lighted me with his light, protected me from all sorts of misfortunes. And neither the beast is fierce nor the enemy is worse than me. And neither the element, nor the dashing person will not ruin me. And nothing thanks to your diligence will do me no harm. Under your holy patronage, under your protection I remain, the love of our Lord I receive. So amulets of the same unthinking and sinless children of mine, whom I loved, as Jesus commanded, protects from everything from which I protected. Let no cruel beast, no enemy, no element, no dashing person harm them. I beseech you, Saint angel, the champion of Christ. And God willing for all. Amen".

To summarize, I want to say that the most important thing in this situation is not to get rid of the problem in any way, but to try to solve it. It is very important for the child to feel the support and care of the family.