Reading technique in 1st grade

The technique of reading aloud in children of primary school age is an important indicator. It is she who demonstrates the level of maturity of the brain, the degree of assiduity and concentration of attention, the level of memory development. If the question arises, how to test the reading technique in grade 1, then the answer is very simple: the teacher takes a simple children's literature, which is still unfamiliar to the students, and suggests a minute to read a passage. The number of words per minute is the indicator of the technique of reading.

Some parents do not understand what the reading technique in class 1 is for. Others, on the contrary, tend to teach a 6-7-year-old child to read quickly as an adult, and blame for misses. It is worth considering the reading norms for toddlers and taking some decisive action only in case of real problems.

Checking the reading technique 1 class, 1 half-year

This test involves determining the basic level of reading in a child. At this stage, it is enough that a child reads 10-15 words per minute, even by syllables. For these checks are taken light artistic texts, usually from children's fairy tales. Assessments the teacher does not put, he is obliged simply to inform parents about the level of reading of their child.

Checking the reading technique 1 class, 2 half-year

In the second semester, there is already control over how the child progresses and learns new skills. Adaptation period for almost all children is over, now they can show their potential. The norms of reading at this age are very blurred and depend on various educational programs. The most common figures are 15 to 40 words per minute, it is advisable to read all the words at once completely. The evaluation for the check is at the discretion of the teacher.

Checking the reading technique 1 class end of the year

This is a control check that shows the children's learning all the skills for the past year. Some programs assume only one verification of the reading technique - the final one, at the end of the year. Norms also vary greatly, by the end of the first grade the child should read 17-41 words per minute.

How to improve the reading technique in class 1?

If parents still tend to believe that the child is not reading well enough, or the teacher indicates a clear lag, then improving the technique is not so difficult at home.

Parents can do such exercises at home:

Parents need to pay attention not only to speed , but also to the correctness of reading the words. Naturally, it's worth emphasizing the more precise and correct pronunciation of words than on their number.

It is very important at this stage not to discourage the child from reading or even learning anything at all. When there are any problems, some parents make the mistake of believing that a 6-7 year old child is able to learn to read better and faster. Categorically, you can not throw the baby with this problem alone or give him a book with the words: "Until you read everything, you will not play."

To develop the reading technique in the 1 st class stands together, accustoming the child to reading with his own example, playing with him, devising fascinating exercises with words. Do not forbid the kid to choose his books simple, with large bright pictures.

Thus, if the child himself is involved in the reading process, then with practice, the speed of reading, and correctness, and even literacy will be acquired.