Adaptation of personnel - types, objectives and modern methods

A unique process by which it is possible to assess the level of personnel management in an organization is called staff adaptation. From the way this practice will be implemented at the enterprise, his reputation, as well as the coherence of the work of the team, largely depends.

Objectives of staff adaptation

At the heart of the adaptation of the staff is the increase in the labor capacity of the specialists, so that the employees will be able to solve their personal tasks and achieve their goals related to the functioning and development of the institution at the proper level. Adaptation of personnel in the organization is an important stage in the development of well-coordinated work of the enterprise, which in many respects determines its success and the acquisition of a high reputation.

The main principles of development of labor cadres:

In what cases is the adaptation of the staff justified:

Employees who have undergone an adaptation process do not need excessive control by the management staff, since their qualifications and level of awareness of the need for conducting office work is high. This approach can significantly reduce start-up costs. So, until the new specialist works not so productively as his employees with experience in this field of activity, his work requires the establishment of large capital investments. Effective adaptive ability will reduce these costs and will enable the beginner to reach the set bar quickly and join the team.

Types of staff adaptation

As of today, these types of staff adaptation in the organization:

In addition, there are other forms of adaptation of personnel, which are divided depending on the direction of training. So, thanks to this division, managers have the opportunity to choose which employees need this or that training option. And so that you understand what exactly is going on, let's look at each of the methods in more detail.

Socio-psychological adaptation of staff

Methods of social adaptation are characterized by the entry of a newcomer to the team, his rapid acceptance of the nearest social environment. In addition, due to this practice, the novice is involved in the tradition and the unspoken norms of the team, the style of work of the leadership apparatus and the features of the interpersonal relationships that develop in the team. It stipulates the inclusion of a beginner in the team as having equal rights to express their point of view.

Criteria for assessing the socio-psychological ability to become addicted are the satisfaction with work and relationships with colleagues. And if the specialist fully meets these requirements, it means only one thing - the leadership at the proper level organized his entry into the workforce. In the event that a newcomer to the company already has certain skills and abilities to find common points of contact with employees, then for sure he already had time to comprehend the basics of adaptive technology.

Staff adaptation of personnel

It is the process of familiarizing the employee with a new type of activity, organization and changing personal behavioral skills in accordance with the requirements of the working environment. Simply put, this is nothing more than a procedure for adapting to a new environment. The reason for the need for such training may be the transition to a new job, the replacement of professional activities or the introduction of improved forms of organization.

Types of labor adaptation of staff are characterized by orientation in the following issues:

Professional adaptation of personnel

Professional adaptation of personnel in the organization is a mutually beneficial adaptation of the employee and team of the company, so that the newcomer has the opportunity to learn as quickly as possible in the enterprise. To put it more clearly, this means that a specialist learns to live in a completely unfamiliar professional environment, attempts to find his place in the structure of the company as a skilled worker who can quickly find ways to solve complex work tasks.

Psychophysiological adaptation of staff

The essence of the adaptation of personnel in the psychophysiological context is characterized by adaptation to new physical and psychological stresses. In addition, this form of working development helps a person get used to the sanitary and hygienic conditions, working schedule, content and nature of work. The psychophysiological ability to adapt to new conditions largely depends on the person's immunity , his natural reactions, and the nature of these conditions. I would like to note an important fact: the lion's share of accidents occurs at the first working stages precisely because of its absence.

Modern methods of adaptation of personnel

Competent managers know that to achieve high productivity of employees it is necessary to create stability and balance in a professional environment. For this, various methods of personnel adaptation are used. Among all the variety of methods for involving employees in the professional sphere of activity, there are only a few effectively working options that differ in the direction of the policy of the governing bodies.

American method of adaptation of personnel

Methods of adaptation of personnel, developed by US specialists, are aimed more at the individualism of labor personnel, rather than on its collectivism. For the actual stage of the development of the SAPR in overseas companies, it is characteristic to increase the content, forms and methods of working with the workforce of the enterprise. In addition, the policy of foreign leaders is built on the deepening of specialization in various functions of personnel management and the growth of professionalism in the management system of the Czech Republic.

Adaptation of personnel in Germany

In Germany, the problems of the adaptation of personnel are decided somewhat differently, since in this country there is a special law in which the norms of the legal regime of the enterprise are prescribed. This normative document requires the employer to fully familiarize the newly arrived specialist with the working conditions and the specifics of his field of activity, as well as presenting it to future employees. For these purposes, use personal communication and training. The novice is getting acquainted with the normative documents, procedures. He receives efficient advice from the senior in the job category.