Conflicts at work

"Life is an endless conflict. People can not avoid them, but they can solve "- so the famous American psychologist B. Wool considered.

Conflicts at work are quite common. Perhaps, each is familiar with the lack of understanding of colleagues, differences and contradictions in the work collective. Each of us had to face such a situation once in a lifetime. But not everyone knows how to settle the conflict at work, how to behave properly and how to adequately exit the current situation.

So, to begin with it is necessary to understand, what exactly provokes discord among colleagues. Alas, there are plenty of reasons for conflicts at work:

Any conflict complicates life, so it must be addressed. Solving conflicts at work is not only a matter of the personnel manager, but of the manager himself. Its direct duty is to create an atmosphere where conflicts will not multiply with great speed. True, not every boss knows how to resolve the conflict at work.

Here are some tips on how to avoid conflict at work:

  1. When you get a job, clearly understand your responsibilities. You can print the job description.
  2. Do not give a reason. To work responsibly, do not be late, be polite.
  3. If the points of view do not match, listen to the interlocutor and calmly express your opinion.
  4. Do not gossip!
  5. If you notice envy or dislike for yourself, stay calm and take care of your nerves. Treat with irony the taunts of colleagues.

What if I have a conflict at work?

It is always better to avoid conflict. However, if the incident still took place, you need to work out the right behavior. Here are some simple guidelines for solving the conflict at work:

If you want, you can always find a compromise and achieve mutual understanding: eliminating the causes of disputes and quarrels, it is favorable to resolve the conflict. And do not forget that even a leaner world is better than a quarrel.