After the divorce, Halle Berry removes stress with strong drinks

Halle Berry is very hard going through parting with Olivier Martinez and addicted to alcohol, assures the insider. These rumors are not groundless, the paparazzi photographed the actress, who hardly left the restaurant and barely kept on her feet.

Double life

49-year-old actress, despite the anguish after the divorce from her husband, can not afford to fall into depression and spend days lying on the couch. She must work and take care of children.

In the morning she takes 7-year-old Nala to school, and 2-year-old Maceo sends to the kindergarten and hurries to shoot the movie "Thulium." In the evenings, leaving the children in the care of the nurse, she goes to the bar.

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Dinner with friends

The other day, Holly went with her friends to the Mexican restaurant Gracias Madre in Los Angeles. The actress drank a lot of wine, and then she wanted cocktails. Friends tried to reason with her, but she, brushing off instructions, said that she needed to relieve stress after the break with Olivier, Western media write.

By the end of the evening, drunk Berry was thinking poorly and struggling to move about. The star left the restaurant and tried in vain to hide from the cameras, hiding behind her companion.

After the publication of the pictures, the fans of the actress stood up for her protection, saying that everyone can drink. However, so-called friends Holly, assure that they see her in this state more often.