Thrush during pregnancy

The disease is called a milkmaid, which is manifested by the appearance on the genitals of excreta reminiscent of cheese or sour milk. In fact, this is a fungal disease caused by yeast-like Candida fungus.

Classification of thrush

There are the following types of candidiasis:

1. By degree of injury:

2. By prevalence:

3. On the clinical course:

4. By type of infection:

Than thrush is dangerous during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there are all three types of clinical course of the disease. But if the carriage does not have symptoms and is diagnosed only in the laboratory, then it is no less dangerous for the unborn child. Like any infection, fungal diseases of the vagina can cause fetal death, miscarriages, intrauterine growth retardation, infection of the child in labor and postpartum endometritis (inflammation in the uterus).

Causes of thrush during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes: the level of progesterone and estradiol increases. Under their action, the mucous membrane of the vagina produces more glycogen - a good medium for lactobacilli. They increase the acidity of the vagina, making the environment in it hostile to many microorganisms, but suitable for fungi. And the immunity of a pregnant woman is weakened so as not to produce antibodies to foreign fetal proteins, and fungi can develop very quickly under these conditions. In addition, vaginal dysbiosis can cause antibacterial drugs, hormonal drugs, concomitant diseases (diabetes, herpes, etc.).

Symptoms of thrush during pregnancy

With any inflammatory process of the vagina, the main symptoms will be pain, discharge and sexual dysfunction. Pain with thrush dull, more troubling is the itching and irritation of the mucous membranes. Allocations for thrush in pregnant women are white, curdled, with a sour smell. Violations of sexual function are associated with increased pain and burning sensation during sexual intercourse, sometimes it occurs during urination.

Diagnosis of thrush in pregnant women

The diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis is based on symptoms, a bacterioscopy of a vaginal smear and a culture method (sowing of excretions on a favorable environment followed by a microscopy of the smear). If necessary, designate other, more complex and expensive methods of research, although usually quite simple.

Treatment of thrush in pregnant women

Types of treatment for thrush in pregnant women are divided into:

Drugs for the treatment of candidiasis can be prescribed only by a doctor. General treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy is prescribed rarely - most drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy.

Local treatment with antifungal drugs can be used after 12 weeks of pregnancy. In acute candidiasis treatment course 10 days with macroscopy of the smear after treatment. In the first trimester, it is better to avoid the use of drugs even locally, especially when there is a threat of miscarriage and with mild illness.

If necessary, in the first trimester, local treatment with non-toxic antifungal agents (for example, containing natamycin) is used, avoiding the use of clotrimazole. Chronic thrush during pregnancy may require a longer treatment. The drugs are used by both partners to avoid re-infection after the cure.

Preventing thrush in pregnant women

Recommendations for the prevention of thrush in pregnant women usually do not differ from the general ones: