Soda from heartburn

Usually heartburn begins after ingestion of gastric juice into the lower part of the esophagus. There is an unpleasant bite in the mouth and a burning sensation in the chest or throat. The illness is treated with various medications. But you can remove discomfort and improvised means. The most famous substance that helps with acid reflux is sodium bicarbonate. It neutralizes the acid, which leads to the rapid disappearance of all symptoms.

Soda for heartburn - recipe

When burning in the abdomen or chest area, stir one teaspoon of sodium hydrogen carbonate in half a glass of water and drink a portion of this liquid. The recipe should be used when there are no suitable tablets or other means for heartburn at hand. If the symptoms are manifested constantly, with the help of this medication you can not get rid of them.

Does soda help with heartburn?

Despite the effectiveness of the method, carbon dioxide negatively affects the internal walls of the stomach. This already in half an hour leads to the allocation of an additional portion of hydrochloric acid. Thus, sodium bicarbonate only temporarily saves from an ailment. And after acidity returns to the previous level or even becomes higher. It is not recommended to take sunburn with water for a long time, since in the future it can cause some complications in the digestive system and the body as a whole.

Sodium, dissolved in water, enters the stomach, and then into the blood. Excess of this substance negatively affects the vessels, making them less elastic and brittle. In addition, the proper operation of the kidneys is disrupted, the pressure is increased, potassium is washed out of the body, and excess fluid accumulates in the tissues. All this has a bad effect on the cardiovascular and other body systems.

Who is contraindicated?

Can I drink soda for heartburn? A single dose of this folk remedy does not hurt. But still there are several categories of people who are strictly forbidden to use bicarbonate. This is associated with a large number of possible side effects. So, drinking soda with water is highly not recommended:

Use of soda with water during pregnancy

Sodium bicarbonate may in some cases lead to swelling. During pregnancy, when limbs and so often swell, such a tool will only aggravate the situation and provoke a water retention in the body.

During this period, it is recommended that with acid refrain from refraining from soda, even diluted in large amounts of water. Instead, other popular recipes are perfect:

In some cases, they help:

Sometimes during pregnancy, folk remedies do not save from burning in the chest area. Then it is recommended to use medicines containing magnesium or calcium carbonate. One of the most effective is Rennie.

Alkaline regulation in the body

With frequent use of water and soda, alkalinization may occur organism. This is accompanied by various symptoms:

In conclusion, it should be said that when there are no suitable medicines at hand, it is possible to take advantage of baking soda from heartburn! This recipe is perfect for eliminating unpleasant symptoms.