Alec Baldwin defeated Lyme disease?

Watching the life of celebrities, it seems to us that these people have no problems. However, this is completely wrong! Famous actors suffer from the same problems as "mere mortals." So the other day it became known that the famous actor Alec Baldwin had been ill with borreliosis.

It turns out that the unpleasant symptoms that accompany this disease, better known in the West as Lyme disease, have haunted the star for as long as 17 years. He told about this, speaking at the Bay Area Lyme Foundation.

Fear for the health of loved ones

Alec Baldwin admitted that he had all the classic manifestations of this ailment. True, after the vaccination the condition returned to normal, but very soon the tick ticked him again and the health problems returned:

"I suffered all that is associated with Lyme disease - sweating, weakness, spots on the lungs and condition, as with the flu. I was sure that I was dying. At that time, we had already parted from Kim, and I lived completely alone. I remember lying in my bed and thinking that I was about to die, and I hoped that my body would be found as soon as possible. "
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Negative experience made the actor be prudent. He and his current wife carefully double-check the children after returning from a walk, searching for bites of ticks:

"I want children to feel safe in nature - they ride on bicycles and walk. We do not like to look at each section of their skin under a magnifying glass in search of ticks, but there's nothing I can do about it - it's part of my life. "