Articulatory gymnastics for preschool children - a set of exercises

Not all children start talking right away. Many babies for a long time learn to pronounce words as adults do, and often they have a need to turn to articulatory gymnastics. When it is carried out, a speech apparatus is used, the movements of which determine the phonetic features of the talk of crumbs.

Exercises of articulatory gymnastics

For a clear articulation, the coordinated work of all the speech organs is necessary. To achieve the correct diction, the child often has to perform a special complex of articulatory gymnastics, which includes certain elements. Proceeding from the fact that there are problems in the speech of crumbs, such activities can have a different character. Their goal is the development of certain positions and movements of the speech apparatus, necessary for correct phonetics, or correction of logopedic defects.

General articulatory gymnastics

The development of children's speech is systematic. It is great if caring mothers from infancy will periodically engage with their son or daughter in amusing and cheerful exercises in the form of a game, imperceptibly correcting their pronunciation. Such exercises are useful for everyone. For children who do not have special problems with speech, the general complex of articulatory gymnastics, consisting of the following:

  1. "Smile". Smile, stretching your lips as wide as possible. At the same time, the oral cavity can not be seen.
  2. "Fence". Jaw tightly squeeze and smile. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. "Bagel". Squeeze the jaw, round the lips like a tube and pull forward. Stay in this position, counting to 5.
  4. "Hamster". Cheat your cheeks, count to 5 and relax.
  5. "Poor thing." As much as possible to draw in cheeks, slightly opening his mouth.
  6. "Count". It is necessary to "count" all upper teeth.
  7. "Painter". Smile and open your mouth. Several times hold the tongue in the sky towards the throat.

Such bracing exercises, the benefits of which are obvious, are suitable for all preschool children, regardless of the state of their speech apparatus and other characteristics of the body. They need to be performed even with those children who speak well for their age, because such games can not be overemphasized. In addition, kids really like this entertainment.

Articulatory gymnastics for hissing sounds

With the pronunciation of sibilants in small children, a large number of problems arise. For example, some may need an articulatory gymnastics for the sound "sh", which includes:

  1. "Clean the teeth." "Clean" the inner surface of the teeth in different directions.
  2. The "pipe". Put the upper jaw on the bottom, smile and wait 3-5 seconds. After stretching the lips with a tube, 5 seconds to remain in this position, after which to relax.

Articulatory gymnastics for the sound of "ni" will look slightly different:

  1. "Wind". Pull as hard as possible.
  2. "Dandelion". Take a famous flower and blow off all the petals as quickly as possible.

Some children may need articulatory gymnastics for "w" sound. As a rule, it includes:

  1. "Fungus". Smile, exposing the jaw, and try to squeeze the tongue to the sky so that the area of ​​contact was greatest.
  2. "Harmonic". Draw a smile and slightly open your mouth. Gradually speeding up the pace, open and close the jaws.

The articulatory gymnastics for the "h" sound in most cases looks like this:

  1. "We'll punish the tongue." Show a smile and quickly bite the edge of the tongue.
  2. "Shovel". Put out his tongue and spread it over his lower lip, trying to reach his chin.
  3. "Cup". Try to raise the edges of the tongue at the same time.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for wheezing sounds

For this group, the following articulatory gymnastics is best:

  1. "Nipper". Smile and long to say "and-and-and-and ...". After this, without changing the position, alternately bite the edges left and right.
  2. "Blow on the spatula." A little stick out the tongue and lower it to the bottom, and then blow it in the middle. These are the best exercises for setting sound with.
  3. "Coil". Wide smile and place the edge of the tongue on the inner surface of the lower jaw. At a calm pace, put out the tongue and "roll it in" back.
  4. "Pancake". Put the tip of the tongue over the lower teeth, slightly push it forward and quickly bite. Such articulatory gymnastics for the sound "z" helps very quickly to put the correct pronunciation.
  5. "Mesem dough." Put out your tongue, put it as low and paddle your lips.
  6. This articulatory gymnastics for the sound of "ts" and other wheezing should be carried out simultaneously with breathing exercises. The child should control the exhaled air stream with the help of a fleece - in case of proper performance this object, brought to the mouth, should deviate markedly. If this does not happen, such articulatory gymnastics is meaningless.

Articulatory gymnastics for sonorous sounds

These phonemes often cause serious difficulties for young children. So, a huge number of guys need articulatory gymnastics for "p" sound:

  1. "Tsok-tsok." To depict with the help of a speech apparatus how the horse clicks his hooves.
  2. "Coachman". Jumble and pound badly. If everything is done correctly, the lips should vibrate and you hear the sonant's familiar "tpru-y-uu", which is familiar to the children.

Articulatory gymnastics for sounding "l" looks somewhat different:

  1. "Sting". Pull out the tongue, tighten it and make it very narrow, like a sting. Hold this state for 5-10 seconds.
  2. "Pendulum". Push out the tab and move it in different directions 10-15 times.
  3. "Steamer". The edge of the tongue protrudes and clamps, and then we stretch out "yy-yy-yy".

How to put back sounds?

Exercises for background sounds should look like this:

  1. "Fighter". Attach the index finger to the tongue and push it out and push it back in, opposing the hand.
  2. "Spoonful." It is necessary to say "ta-ta-ta" slowly, and the adult must at this moment apply a spoon to his mouth in different places. Gradually, instead of "that" the baby will get other phonetic elements.

Deaf and sonorous consonants - exercises

Articulatory gymnastics for the sound "t", "b", "n" and other consonants consists of such inclusions:

  1. "Spitting." Smile, expose the jaw and simulate spittle.
  2. "Clamp". Strongly bite his lip and exhale. Performing this task is the best possible production of the "n" sound.
  3. "Frog". Clamp the tip of the tongue with your teeth and say "pa-pa-pa," while pushing the corners of your lips together with your fingers. Such an exercise is the best articulation gymnastics for the sound of "b".

Articulatory gymnastics for vowel sounds

For articulation of vowels, this articulatory gymnastics is best suited:

  1. "Vacillation". Long pull "ah-ah," imitating the rocking of the doll.
  2. "The steamer is buzzing." Pull out your lips like a pipe and pull "y-y-u ...". "Wolf". Clenching his fists, frown his brows and close his jaws in a grin. Long pull "yy-yy".

Passive articulation gymnastics

Some children are concerned about serious health problems, for example, dysarthria, in which the mobility of the organs of speech is limited. In such circumstances, a complex treatment is required, which is prescribed by the doctor. Often, passive articulation gymnastics with dysarthria consists of:

  1. "Chipmunk". Fingers pull the upper lip so that you can see the gum. At the same time, say "ba-ba-ba".
  2. "Pendulum". Use two fingers to grab the tab and move it to the left and to the right.

In dysarthria, other exercises associated with the movement of this organ in different planes are also useful. They need to be done slowly and in a measured manner, without significant effort. In addition, articulatory gymnastics should be preceded by relaxation of jaw muscles and other organs. This can be done with a toothbrush or other devices.

Articulatory gymnastics for kids

Small children are not easily forced to perform the necessary tasks. Therefore, articulatory gymnastics for preschoolers is held in the form of a game. The children really like to picture how the animals "talk", twist the tongue in different directions and fold it into different figures, clap them, clink, try to get to the nose and just laugh funny and even show the language to each other - all this is very useful. Such games always attract boys and girls and can become the basis of interesting competitions.

Requirements for the conduct of articulatory gymnastics

All parents of preschool children need to know how to perform articulatory gymnastics. It must be done every day, so that the skills obtained can be fixed. In this case, do not overload the little one too much - you only need to give lessons five minutes 3-4 times a day. If the crumbs have expressed logopedic problems, the classes should be conducted together with an experienced doctor.