Tomatoes for the winter with mustard

Each housewife has her own recipes for preparing blanks for the winter. We'll tell you now the recipes for making tomatoes with mustard. We are sure that one of them will please you and take a worthy place in your cookbook.

Barrel tomatoes with mustard



At the bottom of the cans we lay spices. My tomatoes, in several places we make punctures with a fork and put them tightly in prepared cans. For a brine in 1 liter of water, dissolve the salt and fill it with tomatoes. On top put the boiled white rag, it is desirable that it was cotton. And we pour mustard powder on top of it. We do this so that mold does not start to appear. So we leave the jar in the room of the week for 2. You do not need to cover it with it. After that, we close the jar with cap nylon and put it in a cold place, so that the salted tomatoes and mustard are finally ripe. Ready to eat, they will be days in 13-14.

Canned tomatoes with mustard



Filtered water is mixed with sugar, salt and mustard powder. We mix it to a homogeneous state. Mine greens and tomatoes. Garlic and horseradish root are cleaned and cut into pieces. In the prepared sterile cans we spread spices, roots and tomatoes. In each jar we add 3 tablets of aspirin and pour the prepared brine. We close the lids with lids and store them in a cold place. Weeks after 4 tomatoes with mustard and aspirin will be ready.

Green tomatoes with mustard


For a 3 liter jar:


We wash the jar with the addition of baking soda, and then rinse with boiling water. First, put spices in the jars: peppercorns, hot pepper, bay leaf, horseradish and dill. Then pour mustard.

Garlic is cleaned and cut into strips. In the washed tomatoes, with a thin knife, we make punctures in the attachment points of the pedicels. And in these punctures, we insert garlic, cut into strips. Tomatoes are densely packed in a jar of spices.

In 200 ml of cold filtered water, we dissolve sugar and salt. Pour the mixture into the jar, and then fill the jar with filtered water to the brim. From above put a steamed slice of white cotton cloth, bending the edges down. We pour mustard powder on the fabric and level it. Mustard protects tomatoes from mold formation.

We put the jar in the pallet, in case the liquid will flow out during the fermentation process. About a day after 2 brine will become cloudy and foam will form. Leave the tomatoes at room temperature for 2 weeks to sour. After that, cover the jar with a lid and put it in the cold for another 2 weeks.

Recipe for lightly salted tomatoes with mustard



Tomatoes are good for washing and drying. The celery root is mine, cleaned and cut into strips or triangles. Near the tail in tomatoes we make cuts (3-4 pieces) and insert into them pieces of celery and garlic. At the bottom of the prepared cans (3 pcs.) Lay the bay leaf, sweet pepper (9 pcs.) And then tomatoes. Now marinade: in 4 liters of water we dissolve sugar, salt, add sweet pepper. Bring the solution to a boil and cool it to about 40 degrees. Warm marinade pour tomatoes. The neck of each jar is covered with gauze, we tie with a thread and abundantly pour mustard on it. Days 5 tomatoes should stand in a cool place, after which they will be ready!