Alkaline phosphatase - the norm

Alkaline phosphatase is a protein that provides a normal course of many chemical reactions in the body. The deviation of the indicator from the norm often indicates the development of certain pathologies associated with the violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

Norm of alkaline phosphatase in the blood

To determine whether the alkaline phosphatase content is correct or deviate from the norm, a biochemical blood test is performed. It should be noted that the norm of alkaline phosphatase is associated with age, sex, and in some cases the physiological state of the patient. Thus, in children this figure is three times higher than in adults, and in women, the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood is lower than in men.

In addition, it should be noted that the parameters of the alkaline phosphatase rate depend on the reagents used in the blood test. We give the averaged indices.

Norms of blood APF in biochemical analysis (constant time method):

The norm of the maintenance at children of the given enzymes in a blood plasma:

A significant increase in the average index of AF in children under 9 years of age is not a pathology and is associated with intensive bone growth.

In men, the content of enzymes of this group is normal:

The norm of alkaline phosphatase in blood plasma in women (by age):

It is normal to change the level of the enzyme during pregnancy. This is due to the formation of the placenta in the body of the future mother.

Pathological causes of changes in alkaline phosphatase

Along with other laboratory analyzes and instrumental studies, the detection of alkaline phosphatase levels is of decisive importance in the diagnosis of certain diseases. Biochemical analysis is assigned to patients with pathology of the endocrine system, digestive tract, liver, kidneys. Without fail this study is conducted with pregnant women and patients who are being prepared for a surgical operation.

As a result of damage to the tissues of the organ or system, the level of alkaline phosphatase changes. Contribute to this disease:

Rules for biochemical analysis

To obtain the most accurate data, you must follow the following rules:

  1. The day before the analysis it is forbidden to engage in intensive physical work or sports.
  2. Not less than 24 hours are recommended not to drink alcohol and do not use medications that contribute to changes in the level of alkaline phosphatase.
  3. The analysis is done on an empty stomach in the morning.
  4. Blood sampling from the vein for analysis is done in a volume of 5-10 ml.

In addition, in order to clarify the diagnosis, urine, feces, intestinal juice can be assigned, and hepatic, intestinal, bone, placental, isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase can be determined.