Sunburn: First Aid

It is widely known that exposure to sunlight can be extremely beneficial to the human body. However, do not forget that everything is good in moderation! It is necessary to overdo it with being in the sun - and a sunburn will inevitably arise, as a result of an "overdose" of stay under direct sunlight. Of course, the influence of ultraviolet radiation in large quantities is extremely negative, so be careful.

Symptoms of sunburn

A sunburn of the skin is an inflammation of the skin as a reaction to solar (natural) or artificial (solarium) ultraviolet radiation. The most common cause of sunburn is prolonged exposure to the sun.

The symptoms of a sunburn are as follows:

How to help the victim from a sunburn?

If you have diagnosed a sunburn in yourself or loved ones, first aid should be given immediately, immediately. First, the following set of measures will help you to recover faster:

Secondly, it is necessary to take such actions:

If you have a sunburn, how to act you now know. It is necessary to know and about what in any case should not be done with a sunburn. It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the affected area with creams based on Vaseline, suntan oil, lidocaine, anesthesin. Also, do not wash the skin with a scrub or soap that will overdry it, and this will aggravate the situation.

How to avoid burns?

To avoid sunburn, follow the simple tips:

If you have a severe sunburn that affects a large surface of the body, you feel weakness and dizziness, nausea and fever are observed - you need to seek professional medical help.