How to treat allergies?

Many are accused of allergic diseases of the polluted environment and a huge number of chemically synthesized components added to modern food and household items. But the main reason is the insufficient load of the developing immune system in connection with the "greenhouse" and "sterile" conditions of human growth. Immunity, which has nothing to fight, begins to fight against harmless factors. To take treatment urgently.

How to treat allergy to cold?

Acute reaction to cold manifests itself in the form of allergic rhinitis, even with a short stay on the street in the winter and disappears in the room. Dryness of the skin, redness and rash discourage any desire to leave the house. But these problems can be avoided. Here are some tips on how to treat cold allergy:

  1. Before going out to the street, drink something hot (tea or soup). So your body will keep the heat longer.
  2. Do not wear synthetic clothes, since synthetics only strengthens cold urticaria.
  3. An hour before going to the cold, apply on the skin of hands, face and neck fat cream (suitable for children).
  4. Instead of the usual cosmetics used hypoallergenic, lipstick should be replaced with a hygienic pencil.
  5. Hat and scarf should be worn in such a way that they cover the face as much as possible. Do not forget about gloves.
  6. In the cold season, do not eat foods that can enhance the body's allergic reaction.

Observing all the precautions, it is also necessary to undergo a complete examination of the body for gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, the presence of dental problems.

How can I treat an allergy to alcohol?

Treatment of this type of allergy is indicated by some difficulties in terms of banning the intake of all antihistamines together with alcohol. Therefore, before you start treatment of an allergic reaction to alcohol, you need to wash the stomach with plenty of water. Before treating the allergy on the skin, it is necessary to determine the nature of the rash. It can be eczema, hives, atopic or contact dermatitis. Cutaneous manifestations of allergies are treated with drugs containing hydrocortisone. Creams that eliminate itching and relieve edema will significantly improve the general condition. But in order to completely cure an allergic rash, you will have to take antihistamine medications, and in some cases, carry out blood purification by intravenous intake of sorbents. Do not delay the visit to the doctor. Alcohol intolerance can be triggered by an inadequate production of the hormone alcohol dehydrogenase. In this case strong drinks are contraindicated. Of course, it's better to give up alcohol forever, but maybe the allergy will not happen again if you switch to other kinds of drinks. It also happens: the allergy does not arise on the alcohol itself, but only on the dyes and food additives contained in many products of this category. After a secondary manifestation of allergies, experiments should not continue.

How to treat food allergy?

Allergy to food is not amenable to treatment without a thorough examination of the entire body, as well as passing the test for the determination of the allergen. When a "malicious" product or a group of products is identified, the allergen should be excluded from the diet. But how to treat an allergy to milk, if it came from a child who needs this product? Cow's milk needs to be replaced with soy or goat. A possible cause of food intolerance is the inability to absorb complex proteins of cow's milk. As a rule, with age, this problem is eliminated. The very same treatment of food allergy passes according to the following scheme:

  1. Reception of sorbents, eliminating the remnants of an allergy-provoking substance.
  2. Reception of antihistamines.
  3. Treatment of cutaneous manifestations of allergies.
  4. Restoration of the immune system and taking measures to strengthen it.

If the allergic reaction is severe (anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema), urgent medical attention is needed. As a rule, in such cases, inject adrenaline.

How to treat allergy to dust?

To eliminate the allergen, people sensitive to household dust, not enough cleaning. Dust mites perfectly feel not only on everyday objects covered with dust, but also in bed linens, curtains, carpets, soft toys. Therefore, there should be a minimum of textiles in the house. Bed is worth changing 2 times a week, and the curtains and it is better to remove, replacing them with blinds. A necessary purchase for people suffering from allergy to dust is a humidifier and an air ionizer. But the symptoms of allergies are removed with antihistamine. Nasal drops, tablets and syrups containing tavegil and its derivatives will help ease the condition with allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Sanitary cleaning is also needed when the question arises of how to treat allergy to mold. But here it is worth noting that the humidity in the room is not the place. Therefore, having eliminated foci of mold and (only after that!) Having dried all the damp places in the house, you can get rid of allergy attacks.

How to treat an allergy to antibiotics?

Allergy to antibiotics is not a reason for the abolition of antibacterial treatment. In the case of a reaction to a group of drugs, most often a penicillin series, a replacement for an antibiotic in another group is performed. If the replacement is not possible, or if there is not a very pronounced allergic reaction, an antihistamine course is prescribed together with the antibiotic. How to treat allergy to drugs if the reaction to a particular drug is pronounced? In such cases, you need:

How to treat allergy with folk remedies?

Folk remedies are of great help in the treatment of allergic rash. For example, allergic dermatitis is well treated with lotions from the decoction of the turn and chamomile. And eczema can be lubricated with a concentrated solution of mummy. The same remedy can get rid of mucosal edema. To do this, dissolve 1 g of mummy in 1 liter of warm boiled water and take 1 time a day before breakfast in the following dosage according to age: