Swimming for children

Swimming for children of any age is a wonderful way to develop muscles evenly and harmoniously, get a regal bearing, strong health and full immunity. And the earlier the child begins to swim, the sooner his body will acquire both skill and other pleasant accompanying properties.

Swimming of infants

Before giving birth, the baby develops in the aquatic environment, and at a certain stage of perinatal development, he even has gills. During the first three months after the birth, the child still has strong memories of that period, and training will be much easier.

Doctors are advised to begin classes with the baby right from the age of three weeks, so that the training takes place quickly and naturally, and from the vague memories swimming turns into a new skill.

However, if the baby is already 3-4 months old, the memory of the perinatal period has already erased, which means that the congenital reflexes have been forgotten, and it will not be possible to master the early swimming. In this case, swimming begins after reaching the age of three, when the child will be able to visit the pool at a kindergarten or polyclinic.

Doing with the baby should be done regularly. For the role of "teacher", mother, father, and grandmother with grandfather are also suitable - the main thing is that one person should do this. Each movement must first be worked on the doll, and then to take up the child. Methods of teaching a baby swimming will tell the doctor: if the clinic has a swimming pool, it makes sense to come there once in 1-2 weeks, learn new tricks, and work out them right at home, in the bathroom.

The benefits of such swimming for children have been proven by all doctors. Babies who practice early water activities are less likely to catch colds, are characterized by calm disposition, good appetite and general complacency. In addition, their development often outstrips "non-floating" peers.

The main contraindication to swimming for children under one year is the presence of acute respiratory diseases or CNS disorders. Before you begin to practice early swimming, be sure to see a doctor and find out if your baby has additional obstacles to learning.

Teaching preschool children to swimming

Already from the age of three, your baby can attend swimming classes in the children's pool. Often such courses are conducted directly on the basis of kindergartens.

Medical swimming for children is especially recommended for problems with the spine, posture, poor sleep, violent disposition and weak appetite. The water environment, thanks to the effect of weightlessness, can solve such problems, and experienced instructors will help the child learn simple movements and learn to stay on the water, which will develop his muscular system.

Sports swimming for children

Give the child to swim at an advanced level can already from 5-7 years. There is a possibility that this will largely determine his fate: if it turns out that the child has a talent, he will be constantly sent to competitions of different levels, and regular training can become a hindrance to learning not only at school age, but also during the student body.

Often, parents forget that, for example, synchronized swimming for girls is not only a beautiful sport, but also the other side of the coin: often excessively developed shoulders, which makes the figure look like a "masculine", grueling training and constant stresses before the performances. Not every child will enjoy it, so do not force the child to do anything, but suggest that you choose something that really suits his interests.