How is spirometry performed?

With various chronic diseases of the respiratory organs or suspicions of their development, pulmonologists recommend spirometry. This study allows you to assess the ability of the lungs to take, hold, use and bleed air. Before writing to the procedure, it is better to find out how spirometry is performed. This guarantees compliance with the rules of preliminary preparation for the survey, obtaining informative and maximum accurate results.

Preparing for spirometry

Required activities and tips that should be considered:

  1. For 12 hours, if possible - per day, before taking measurements, do not take any medications that can have an effect on respiratory processes. Do not inhale.
  2. Eating is allowed 2 hours before the session.
  3. For 60 minutes before spirometry do not eat strong coffee, tea, do not smoke.
  4. Immediately before the procedure begins, relax for 20 minutes in the sitting position.
  5. Wear loose clothing that does not constrain neither breathing nor movement of the body.

In the rest, no complicated preparation is required.

Spirometry technique and algorithm

The described event is painless, without discomfort and fast enough.


  1. The patient sits on a chair, straightens his back. You can do spirometry and standing.
  2. A special clip is put on the nose. The device helps limit air access only to the mouth.
  3. A breathing tube with a mouthpiece is inserted into the person's mouth. This part of the device is connected to a digital recorder.
  4. According to the team of the doctor, the patient takes the deepest breath, filling the entire available volume of lungs with air.
  5. After this, a strong and long exhalation is carried out.
  6. The next stage is a forced (quick) full breath in and out.

All measurements are repeated several times to obtain the most accurate average value of each indicator.

Also, the technique of performing spirometry with the use of a bronchodilator is practiced. This procedure is called provocative or functional tests. During its implementation, the patient inhales small doses of bronchodilator or bronchoconstrictive medications. Similar methods of performing measurements are necessary for differentiating COPD or asthma from other respiratory diseases, assessing the rate of progression of these pathologies, their reversibility and the appropriateness of the treatment.