Pleuralopyritis periarthritis - symptoms

Pleuralopyritous periarthritis is a disease that, in principle, can not be cured easily. However, resort to its treatment is necessary at the first symptoms, otherwise it can grow into an acute form. This happens quite often. More than half of the patients for one reason or another start the treatment or start it too late, when the disease flows into a very painful stage.

Causes of humeroparous periarthritis

The shoulder is a very sensitive part of the body, which sometimes has to withstand heavy loads. Shoulder-fluked periarthritis is responsible for about 80% of all rheumatic diseases of the shoulder.

The causes of periarthritis can be very diverse, and have consequences of varying severity. The disease itself is due to inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues. This can occur as a result of the following:

Symptoms of humeroparous periarthritis

The main task of the patient, determine the initial symptoms of the disease and immediately see a doctor for diagnosis of the humeroparietary periarthritis. Periarthritis arises in different forms, each of which accordingly has specific symptoms. However, common for all forms of alarming moments, in the occurrence of which the patient should seek help:

Now it is worthwhile to consider in more detail the symptoms for each form of the shoulder blade periarthritis separately.

Simple (light) shape


Acute form of the disease


Chronic form


Treatment of the disease in any form should be given sufficient attention, since the forms have the property to flow from one to the other. And, the further, the more difficult it is to recover.

The disease is more common in the fairer sex, and in most cases is right-sided. This is not surprising, since most people use their right arm much more often left, because of what it is more susceptible to microtrauma. Less often humeroscapular periarthritis is bilateral, then the symptoms can accordingly be manifested from either side or from both sides simultaneously.