Insight in psychology as the power of instant decisions

Creative people often dream about it and are waiting for it as the most important event in life. However, it also happens that they are mistaken, and false enlightenment comes to them. This happens when it is difficult for a person to switch to other things. What is enlightenment and how to understand that insight has descended - let's try to find out.

Insight in psychology

Specialists moment of enlightenment in psychology is called part of Gestalt psychology. V. Köhler used this term for the first time. He conducted experiments with monkeys and discovered their unusual behavior. The animals were offered tasks that could only be solved mediately. However, after vain attempts, they became less active and simply looked at the objects around them, after which they could very quickly find the right solution. After a while this term was already used by K. Dunker and M. Wertheimer as a characteristic of human thinking.

This concept psychologists often use to describe a phenomenon where a person can experience enlightenment related to memories. Here, not only the mental image is formed, but also the different sensations inherent in a specific memory. In addition, this term is often used in the sense of an extra-logical insight. However, after some experiments, the existence of illumination was in doubt.

Philosophy of Insight

Illumination is called a fine-energy phenomenon. However, if you want, you can understand its nature and at the same time use analogies with physical reality. In order to generate energy, it is necessary to have a potential difference, or a level difference. When it comes to illumination, this difference, or the given drop is extreme. An example is contact of the unmanifested and manifested - emptiness and fullness.

The value of such a concept as the moment of illumination can be called that it is capable of detecting a multilevel nature. With the help of such insights, energy and information come to the world, the origin of which can not be explained unless the boundaries of experience are extended to the transcendental realm. In this phenomenon, a future can be discovered that becomes a source of information. This relationship is possible provided the relationship with the future, anticipating the anticipation of causality.

What does it mean - inspiration came down?

This term has several meanings. In one of them, the word "illumination" is the term that the verb "illuminate", that is, brightly illuminate something. In the second meaning under illumination it is accepted to understand the description of sudden clarification of consciousness, understanding of something. In this case, illumination as a solution to the problem, finding the right thought, idea. Here this term means that the process of understanding was long, and the search for the question, the problem is rewarded with a sudden and understandable comprehension of it.

Creative Insight

Gifted people know firsthand how beautiful the creative insight is. Sometimes such prompts arise quite unexpectedly, as if from another sphere of life, from unexpected observations. Legends from the life of scientists and inventors tell us about unusual tips. Among them - the apple of Newton, the bath of Archimedes and much more. Such hints in the decisions of a particular task are often perceived under certain conditions. So, the thought of the scientist or the inventor should be set up to find important answers.

Such tips are useful for all those people who have associative thinking. An example of such a situation may be a dream. Sometimes in this state the human brain acts even more actively than when it is awake. It is not uncommon for a person to find an answer in a dream, a question that has been waking for reality. An example can be how D. Mendeleev in his dream found the coveted key to the periodic system of elements. In real life, he could not figure out how to correctly arrange all the elements.

Spiritual illumination

Speaking about insight , you can hear about the enlightenment of the soul. From spiritual practitioners you can hear about some special point in the spiritual development of a man who works on himself. At such moments a person can get enlightenment and understands that an entirely new reality opens before him, more perfect and spacious. Such a state can be called a higher, sublime awareness, which is also called "enlightenment." At such a time a person can undergo a radical internal change that allows him to survive the state of enlightenment.

Intuitive insight

When the enlightenment has come, one can get answers to long-tormented questions. Such a concept as intuitive enlightenment can give answers in many ways. Sometimes people are wondering why a metaphor is needed and why one can not directly obtain information about the object or person of interest. The answer is obvious - when people or questions are important to us, emotions can interfere.

How to get enlightenment?

Many people know that insight is the power of instant decisions. Sometimes people who want to find answers to questions of concern are interested in how to reach enlightenment. So, in order to get insights you need:

  1. Distract and let go of your own thoughts. If you constantly think about your problem and wait for enlightenment, then it is unlikely to come. It is important to switch your attention to something else. You can watch a movie, read a book or take a walk.
  2. An effective way to switch attention is physical activity , which is usually referred to as a "meditative type."
  3. Take a shower or a bath. Thanks to the effect of water, blood circulation improves and the scalp is stimulated, which means that there will be a chance to experience enlightenment.

The effect of false insight

Not entirely correct solutions can also accompany a sense of insight. According to the statements of psychologists, they too can be memorable and vivid. When a person's solution to a problem is very important, he can fixate on solving it and finding answers. In this case, a person does not allow his own subconscious to fully process the information.

So the task is constantly in the mind. As a result, the psyche in exhausted state gives the owner the first solution found and the person joyfully accepts it, because he is pretty tired himself and wants some end. False can be and very expected enlightenment. A man so desperately wants to experience him, that he rejoices at the first enlightenment that has come to him.