Angelina Jolie is sick with cancer?

Western media regularly, for profit, publish shocking headlines about Hollywood celebrities, most of whom eventually turn out to be fake. This also touched the most sexy woman Angelina Jolie. Over the past few years, tabloids have been doing scandalous details of the superstar's "diseases": heart attack, liver disease, anorexia, paranoia, cancer.

Have Angelina Jolie found cancer?

After the death of her mother in 2007, the actress admitted that women in the genus Angelina Jolie often die of breast and ovarian cancer. Taking this fact into service, the American celebrity annually undergoes a variety of surveys, including genetic analysis, to prevent the appearance of mutational genes. She said that all her childhood was concerned about her mother's health, so she will do everything possible and impossible that her children will not have to endure the same fears. Angie often speaks with them on this subject. Sometimes even they manage to translate the conversation into a joke, and then they do not have a feeling of concern, but only the realization that the mother is in perfect order.

Such conversations are of particular importance for the stellar family, after all, after another examination, the doctor voiced the terrible news. Doctors suspect Angelina Jolie a terrible disease - breast cancer.

While the ailment was only at the initial stage, the best way to deal with it was surgery. In 2013, Brad Pitt's wife underwent a double mastectomy with further breast reconstruction. The husband and children did everything on their part to support Angelina.

Angelina Jolie against oncology - the second round!

Two years later, genetic analysis showed an increase in some markers, which together with other indicators may be harbingers of ovarian cancer. This probability was about 40%. After consulting with several specialists in this field and a surgeon, after considering all possible options for preventing the disease, it was decided to lie down again under the knife. The new operation involved the removal of female appendages. The consequences of such intervention will be infertility and early onset of menopause, which will entail other physiological changes. Despite this, Jolie agreed to surgery.

At the time the doctor and Angelina talked, Brad Pitt was in France. Upon learning of the terrible news, he immediately took a plane ticket and returned to the family. In his interview, the actor said that he was amazed at how courageously his wife fights against cancer. He is ready to be there for as long as necessary.

Angelina Jolie shares her experience

From the first days of fighting the disease, the actress promised all the women of the planet that she would keep them informed of everything that is happening with her health. Having kept her word, she began to blog, writing about the results of medical research, treatment options and the prevention of the disease.

Doctors all over the world thank Angelina for not hiding the details of her treatment. After all, in some clinics the number of women who consulted and helped in the early stages of cancer increased to 500 percent! And the treatment of oncological diseases at the initial stage in most cases guarantees success. Thanks to her letters, women were less likely to feel doomed and helpless.

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Today, Angelina Jolie continues to actively pursue careers, help the poor and disadvantaged, no matter what.