How to expel water from the body for weight loss?

Bags under the eyes, swollen fingers, legs-"curbstones" that do not fit in the usual shoes - all are swelling, which are the result of excess fluid in the body. It is clear that no slender figure in this case is out of the question, and so you want to look young and attractive. On how to expel water from the body for weight loss, this article will be.

How to expel excess water from the body?

First of all, you should exclude the presence of diseases that cause such consequences - kidney problems or malfunctioning of the heart. If everything is normal for this part, then the excess fluid in the body is caused by unbalanced nutrition and consumption of a large volume of salt. Strangely enough, but interested in how to expel water from the body quickly, it is worth more to drink it. It is the lack of a liquid in the diet that forces the body to store water for future use, and so that it does not, it is necessary to provide it with enough of it.

Exclude diuretics - alcohol , soda and coffee, but you can drink tea, but preferably green or crocade. Fans of "salty" will have to minimize the amount of such foods in the diet, because one molecule of sodium chloride binds 20 molecules of water and settles in the fatty layer. Food should be salted at the end of cooking and try to do it at a minimum. And do not drink at night. In addition, there are products that will be of special benefit to those who want to know how quickly to expel excess water from the body. It's about birch sap, which also frees the body of toxins and excess salt - it's enough to drink it in a glass three times a day.

It is also a favorite watermelon that cleanses the kidneys well, improving their work. Oatmeal and rice are also able to cope with this task. It is worth noting that rice is not rich in sodium, which holds water, and potassium , which displays salt, there are many. Many professional athletes, wishing to "dry off", use for several days unsalted rice porridge. A huge benefit can bring fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as those that are rich in potassium - dried apricots, cucumbers, cabbage, blue, etc.

How to drive water out of the body with folk remedies?

Effective means: