Signs of ovulation in women

For many women planning a pregnancy, it is very important to know the exact day of ovulation. How do you know when it starts, what signs and symptoms are there in ovulation in women?

Why do I need to know the signs of ovulation?

Ask what is the complexity, there are tests for ovulation, why think about how to know if ovulation was, and puzzle over the signs of its onset? On the one hand, this is so, if a woman has a perfect cycle, then there is no special need. But if the menstruation is not regular, or ovulation is late, then you can not do without knowing the signs. No, if it is a question of late ovulation, as a variant of the norm, then the same regularity is observed here as in the usual cycle. Signs of ovulation will be in demand among those women whose ovulation suddenly became later - from a climate change, severe stress or disease. And besides, the tests are not trusted by everyone, preferring to trust their own feelings.

Signs of ovulation in women

  1. Many women call the signs of ovulation a moderate pain in the lower abdomen (in the ovary). The nature of such pain is aching, usually observed on one side of the abdomen. The duration of pain is different for all - maybe a few minutes, or maybe several days.
  2. The breast before ovulation becomes more sensitive. Therefore, signs of ovulation can be considered unusual pain, not strong and fast-passing. This is caused by a change in the level of hormones in the organism being prepared for conception.
  3. The change in the level of hormones is a sign of ovulation, it is this fact that takes into account the tests for ovulation.
  4. The consistency and amount of lubrication of the vagina changes. Allocations are made more abundant, similar to the protein of a raw egg or become watery.
  5. A few days before ovulation, as a rule, there is an increase in sexual desire. That is, the body itself tells the days that are favorable for conception.
  6. Because of the increase in the amount of hormone progesterone produced before ovulation, the basal temperature rises. To note such a temperature jump will be possible only if the woman kept a diary of basal temperature throughout the cycle.
  7. Many experts say that before ovulation the cervix changes its position, rising slightly. Also it becomes softer and opens wider. This is to make conception successful.
  8. Some women note an exacerbation of smell and taste before ovulation. This is also due to a change in the hormonal background.
  9. Quite often, women consider a sign of ovulation a significant bloating, augmentation and flatulence. However, these symptoms can also talk about malnutrition.

Signs of ovulation on ultrasound

On ultrasound, signs of ovulation can be determined most accurately, because the specialist sees what phase of development the follicle passes. How does this happen and when should you do ultrasound to determine ovulation?

If the menstrual cycle is "ideal", that is, 28 days, the first ultrasound is done on the 8-10 day of the cycle or immediately after the end of menstruation. After the examination is carried out 1-2 days before the onset of ovulation. A single survey can not provide such information.

What does the specialist see when ovulation occurs? Before its beginning is noted presence of the follicle in the size of 18-24 mm from which the egg will leave. After ovulation, the presence of free fluid in the small pelvis and the yellow body is noticeable.

With the help of this method, you can notice various problems of women's health that hinder conception. The disadvantage of ultrasound is that it can not diagnose problems such as endometriosis, inflammation and adhesions. Also, the complexity of the method is the need to decipher the specialist. If the doctor gets unqualified, then there is a risk of treating the patient from non-existent diseases.