Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman

Thirty-two-year-old Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway has long overcome the depression , whose culprit was her former boyfriend Rafaello Follieri. This man managed to crank out an incredible scam, selling real estate owned by the Catholic Church. Twenty-five year old adventurer, earning fabulous sums, managed to circle Ann around the finger, letting her dust in her eyes with her unprecedented generosity. Moreover, he made the actress an accomplice, even though she did not know about it. The position of a member of the board of the charitable foundation founded by Rafaello Foliori turned out to be a soap bubble. Thanks to the father-lawyer, who suspected something was amiss, Ann realized in time that she was deceived. In 2008, she left the Folieri, putting an end to the relationship, which lasted four years.

Road to happiness

Forcing herself not to think about a new relationship, Anne plunged into work, but life after a few months brought her up with the novice actor Adam Schulman. He was the direct opposite of Folieri, but this is what attracted the girl. Having met at a party with common friends, they only exchanged a few phrases, because Adam was in the company of his girlfriend. The second meeting took place a few months later, when the guy was already free.

Two years the lovers hid relations, and in 2010 it became known that Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman meet, since they settled under one roof. Adam's modest apartment in New York for the girl was a real paradise! However, with the registration of the relationship a couple did not hurry. Young people enjoyed each other without hiding from camera lenses. Adam decided to open his own jewelry business, and he did it. November 2011 in the life of the couple became significant, because Shulman decided and presented the girl with a ring, created by own hands. Immediately after the engagement, the actress was not ready for the wedding, because she dreamed that day look like a princess. For filming in the next project she had to lose weight by 11 kilograms and cut luxurious curls.

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A little more than a year passed, and in September 2012, the wedding Ann Hathaway and Adam Shulman finally took place! The girl really looked like a queen, and Valentina made her a dress for this celebration. It remains to wish that the children dreamed by Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman make their life even happier.