Roaccutane from acne - a rescue for the problem skin

Eruption on the face and body is one of the most common problems that both men and women face equally. Moreover, it affects not only adolescents, but also older people. Cope with it helps Roakcutan from acne. This tool is considered a real salvation.

Roaccutane - composition

Here the main component is isotretinoin. This substance is of natural origin, which normalizes the redox processes in the body. Isotretinoin also inhibits the work of the sebaceous glands. The drug from acne Roaccutane is available in 2 versions:

There are also auxiliary components in the composition of this medicine. Remedy for acne Roaccutane contains additional elements:

Treatment with Roaccutane

Isotretinoin, entering the body, contributes to the reduction of keratinized tissues. Due to this, other components penetrate deeper into the epidermis and begin to act. Immediate result should not wait, so guessing on what day are acne from Roakkutan, it is useless. To make sure the effectiveness of the tool, you need to complete the full course. It lasts for several months.

Since the drug is characterized by a combined action, it does not just fight against individual rashes, but prevents them from reappearing. This is achieved due to the fact that Roaccutane from acne eliminates the root cause, and only then removes the consequences. This drug is prescribed only after the patient undergoes a complete examination. He needs to weigh all the "minuses" and "pluses": to understand what are the risks and consequences of treatment with the drug for acne and what are the advantages of such therapy.

If the tablets are prescribed to a woman of childbearing age, she must undergo a pregnancy test twice before taking the medication. A negative result gives the doctor the right to prescribe this drug for acne. However, the patient must sign a special form in which she confirms her consent and is aware of the risk of an unplanned pregnancy. During the treatment period, women should be protected by contraceptive drugs and additionally use barrier methods of protection.

It is forbidden to take Roacutan even during lactation, as this drug can cause serious harm to the child's body. The administration of such an anti-inflammatory agent leads to thinning of the epidermis, therefore during therapy it is necessary to use cosmetic means with a high sun-protective factor. In the period of treatment and 1 year after it, epilations and other cosmetic and surgical interventions are prohibited.

Roaccutane - how to take?

Self-medication is unacceptable! Only the doctor can appoint Roaccutane with mild acne or severe rash. For the treatment to be as effective as possible, you should follow these rules:

  1. Taking the drug for acne, a woman should start on the 3-4th day of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Do not change the dosage yourself! It is necessary to strictly follow the prescriptions of the doctor and take medication according to the instructions.
  3. Do not combine this drug with other drugs, without consulting a doctor in advance. This combination can lead to serious poisoning.
  4. Independently stop taking medication is prohibited!
  5. The patient should listen attentively to his body. If you feel worse, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Roaccutane - dosage

The norm of the drug for each patient is calculated individually. She is prescribed by a dermatologist. The dosage of Roaccutane in acne depends on the severity of the ailment:

Patients note that the situation is significantly improved after taking 120-150 mg per kg (cumulative). By the time the frequency of manifestation of acne eruptions decreases or acne ceases to appear at all. After the first course, the second one can also be conducted. It is necessary if acne is returned after Roakkutan. However, it is prescribed no earlier than 8 months after taking the last pill. Before the second stage of treatment, the patient should undergo a second examination.

Roaccutane - side effects

The reception of this remedy is associated with the manifestation of a terrifying reaction of the organism. Tablets from Acne Roaccutane more often have the following side effects:

If you experience the following sensations, you should immediately seek medical help:

Roaccutane - contraindications

There is a category of people who are not allowed to take this medication. The use of roaccutane is contraindicated in such cases:

Roaccutane - consequences

This drug is heavily tolerated. Roacutane from acne is a medication that has a serious impact on the subsequent functioning of all organs and systems. Even under doctor's control, negative consequences can be observed. For this reason, it is forbidden to begin treatment with acne on its own. His complete elimination from the blood will occur only 2 weeks after the last drunk tablets.

Another consequence of taking this drug is infertility. In addition, tablets Roaccutane from acne can immediately give the opposite result. It will manifest itself in the deterioration of the skin. At this stage of taking Roaccutane from acne, patients commit 2 serious errors:

  1. Completely stop the consumption of the drug.
  2. In parallel with this medication, other means are being taken for acne . Such medications because of incompatibility only aggravate the state of the body.

Roaccutane and alcohol

During the period of treatment should be discarded from consumption of alcoholic beverages. By itself, the drug leaves a "trace" on the kidneys and liver. If it is "diluted" with strong drinks, the blow to these organs will be double. Drinking alcohol weakens the medicinal properties of the drug. Consuming Roaccutane, whether it is possible to take alcohol - here the doctors answer is unequivocally negative. It is more reasonable to refrain from alcohol during therapy.