Intestinal obstruction - treatment

The intestine is the organ on which the saturation of the blood with the necessary substances directly depends. Obstruction of the intestine causes problems with the whole process of metabolism, because this disease requires prompt treatment. Often, obstruction worries pregnant women and women who have just given birth. Methods for treating obstruction depend on the type and nature of the disease.

Treatment of mechanical intestinal obstruction

Causes of mechanical intestinal obstruction may include hernia of the intestine, adhesions, mobility of the caecum, as well as congenital abnormalities of the intestine. Treatment of adhesive intestinal obstruction, unlike other species, is possible first by a conservative method. However, if within two hours these measures do not have the proper effect, surgical intervention is used: laparoscopy or laparotomy. Conservative treatment of intestinal obstruction is as follows:

  1. Emptying the stomach and intestines with a probe and enema .
  2. Entering various fluids into the intestinal cavity to restore it after a long stagnation of the contents and possible hypoxia of the tissues.
  3. Introduction of analgesics and antispastic drugs.
  4. The introduction of antibiotics, which prevent the development of pathogenic bacterial microflora.
  5. Treatment of the intestines in accordance with the emerging symptoms.

Treatment of dynamic intestinal obstruction

Very often there is paralytic obstruction, which is caused by trauma or metabolic disorders, tumors of the spinal cord or brain. In addition, frequent cleansing of the intestines with enemas or fasting for a long period of time also leads to a decrease in intestinal motility.

Treatment of paralytic intestinal obstruction is often impossible in an operative way, because the patient is extremely depleted. In addition, surgery to get rid of obstruction is dangerous and has a long period of postoperative recovery. Because in this case, the patient is recommended to eat small amounts of high-calorie food. Sometimes a patient is forcibly forced to eat. Gradually the intestine begins to be filled with calves, and three weeks later begin evacuation of the intestine.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction by folk remedies

To treat intestinal obstruction, various folk methods are used, in which such plants as: