Evaluation "satisfactory": Donald Trump on the starry divas

A long-standing interview with the future US president was widely publicized, in which he expressed his personal opinion about some famous ladies and stars of Hollywood.

In priority, Trump has a woman with mouth-watering forms, so Kim Kardashian received the highest rating. Unlike Anne Hathaway and Charlize Theron, whose appearance the billionaire called not otherwise, as unattractive:

"I think my daughter looks much better."

Tastes differ

No less surprised Trump his attitude to the beauty of Angelina Jolie, a recognized standard. She received 7 points on the "tramp" scale of female charm. The president believes that Jolie has too big lips and not very good skin. But Halle Berry received rave reviews. Trump noted the beautiful torso and the impeccable skin of the actress.

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