Annushka Delon told about the causes of his father's illness

The daughter of the legendary actor Alain Delon told about the hospitalization of the father and her reasons. The last months have been difficult - the actor left the ex-wife Mireille Dark, who was always Delon very close person. After the death of his best friend, namely, the actor Mireille believed it, in an interview he heartily admitted that he saw no sense in his later life and was ready to follow her. And some time later in late September, the actor's health troubled his family, and he was immediately hospitalized.

The actor's daughter, Annushka, told the worried fans what the situation is at the moment:

"A complicated artery operation was performed, which was planned by doctors for a long time. For several years my father had problems with the circulation of blood in his thigh, and the doctors decided to conduct a shunt. Mireille's departure was tragic, and his father had a hard time, but health problems are not connected with this sad departure of his native person. "

Good memories

Mireille and Delon brought the fate at the time of filming the picture "Jeff", after which the lovers were not only close, but also became business partners. The actress did not have her own children, but she quickly found a common language with the son of Delon Anthony. Good relations they maintained throughout the life of Mireille Dark. In memories of her, Anthony Delon calls her the second mother and admits that she gave him a lot of warmth and kindness.

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And he expresses his father's condition more than optimistic, comparing him to a cat that, when falling, "always has time to land on its paws."