Beef stuffing - calories

Beef stuff is used in cooking many dishes. Minced meat should be made from a sirloin, and not from offal. In an ideal ratio, ground beef is 80% composed of lean meat, and 20% fat. Caloric content of ground beef per 100 g of product is 254 kcal. Quite often in cooking they use minced beef along with pork. Caloric content of pork-beef minced meat is much higher and amounts to as much as 314 kcal.

Useful properties and composition of ground beef

Beef minced is rich in vitamins A, B, K. E and a large number of trace elements, which have a beneficial effect on the circulatory, nervous and genito-urinary systems. Dishes cooked on the basis of ground beef, should be used for skin diseases, anemia, when recovering from injuries. It is more useful for health and figure to be eating dishes cooked for a couple. With this method of cooking, minced meat retains almost all its useful properties and contains fewer calories. For example, the caloric content of meatballs from ground beef for steaming is only 152 kcal.

How many calories in ground beef depends on the way it is cooked. Apart from the steam dishes, 100 grams of the product will contain 254 kcal. This amount of calories from ground beef is caused by a large fat content. Therefore, minced beef is a fairly nutritious product.

20% of ground beef is fat, 17% are proteins that are easily digested and contain amino acids necessary for the body. It is worth noting that when frying or cooking, most of the protein is not stored in minced meat, as it does not tolerate heat. From it remain only elastin and collagen , which are proteins of connective tissue and serve in the construction of ligaments and cartilages. Such proteins will remain even in fried cutlets.