Antibacterial soap

Recently, more and more often advertised a fundamentally new product: soap with antibacterial effect - liquid or lumpy. This product, in contact with the skin, acts differently from traditional detergents. In this case, there are several varieties of soap, which will be discussed below.

Synthetic antibacterial soap

The group of these funds include those that contain triclosan (liquid antibacterial soap) or triclocarban (lump products). Both substances block an enzyme that creates a bacterial wall, destroying microorganisms - both harmful and useful. Antibiotics have a similar effect. Skin without a beneficial microflora becomes vulnerable, overdried. In addition, triclosan and triclocarban are difficult to wash off, so they can get into food.

In turn, bacteria can adapt to such agents, forming resistant strains resistant to the action of antimicrobial substances.

Such a soap is undesirable to use constantly - it is effective in the treatment of cuts and wounds. In this case, they only need to wash their hands, and keep the foam on the skin for no more than 20 seconds.

Mikoseptic antibacterial soap

Such detergents contain an extract of spruce or Siberian cedar and help fight fungal infections and excessive sweating. Because this antibacterial soap is used for foot hygiene.

The systematic use of this product can cause itching and burning - for the treatment and prevention of fungus it is recommended to use it not more than once a week.

Household antibacterial soap

Household soap is made from animal fats and vegetable oils, while the product is absolutely natural. It perfectly cleanses the most persistent soils, even in cold water, for which it is revered by the hostesses.

This remedy is hypoallergenic and completely harmless, however, it slightly dries the skin, therefore, after washing it is necessary to lubricate the hands with cream. A household antibacterial soap is used for hair , and also helps with acne - they wash the affected skin areas. A significant disadvantage of the product is an unpleasant smell.

Tar soap antibacterial soap

This preparation is prepared on the basis of birch tar, which is famous for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Tar soap is an excellent remedy for all kinds of rashes, dermatitis, redness. They also treat acne, wounds, cuts, furunculosis, psoriasis and even burns, frostbite. Tar gives a drying effect, so after using soap, you need a cream.