Otitis media of middle ear

Otitis of the middle ear is a disease that is inflammatory in nature, developing in the cavity between the region of the inner ear and the outer side of the ear canal. This disease is one of the main causes of hearing impairment. It can affect people of all ages, but children are the most vulnerable to it.

Causes of otitis media

This ailment is a secondary phenomenon that occurs after infection of the tympanum. Among the factors influencing the appearance of the disease, there are:

Otitis media of the middle ear - symptoms

The signs of pathology depend on the degree of damage to the cavity and the nature of the inflammation in it. It can manifest itself both in acute flow with increasing temperature, weakness and malaise, and in chronic, accompanied by inter-seasonal exacerbations. There are the following varieties of acute otitis media of the middle ear:

Catarrhal otitis media

This type acts as the initial stage of otitis. It develops during flu, cold and other infections. His symptoms include:

Acute suppurative otitis media

This variety develops in case of activation of the infection affecting the auditory tube. It is characterized by the following features:

Chronic suppurative otitis media

Initial symptoms of otitis are observed as early as childhood. But the late campaign to lora and irresponsibility in treatment reduce the resistance of the human body. All this increases the risk of chronic otitis media. Pathology manifests itself in such symptoms:

How to treat otitis media of the middle ear?

It is important to start fighting the disease in time to prevent the occurrence of complications. Local therapy and surgery may be used.

To destroy the infection that caused the disease, the patient is prescribed antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as the use of drugs to improve immunity .

Patients with otitis media are prescribed local treatment based on the following measures:

  1. Dry heat application.
  2. Burying in the nasal sinuses of vasoconstrictive drugs.
  3. Burying the ears of the means that relieve pain and inflammation.
  4. Installation of turunda, impregnated with a solution of boric alcohol in a mixture with glycerin.

The presence in the hearing organs of pus cure provides such a scheme of action:

  1. Reception of antibiotics.
  2. Ear washing.

Turundum installation and heating are not carried out.

Chronic patients are treated with antibiotics and drugs designed to restore immunity. Physiotherapeutic methods (UHF, laser therapy) are also actively used.