Boric Ointment

Boric ointment (internationally known as boric acid) is a widely known medical preparation that is used as an antiseptic. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and is also used as an antiparasitic agent for combating pediculosis. This ointment, along with oxyquinoline sulfate, is also used as a contraceptive.

In which cases to apply ointment?

Let's consider in what cases the use of boric ointment is possible:

Features of use

Ointment is applied only externally. The drug can be applied solely to complete integument of the skin. When eye disease ointment is placed in the conjunctival sac, and with otitis - in the ear canal. To destroy lice ointment is applied to the hairy areas of the scalp and after half an hour it is washed off with warm water, after which the hair is thoroughly combed with a thick crest.

For the treatment of acne is often used salicylic and boric acid. The agent needs to be applied accurately on the pimples, so as not to damage the skin. Boron-salicylic ointment dries up the inflammation, reduces the level of greasiness and disinfects the skin.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications include:

Boron-zinc-naphthalan paste

For the treatment of pyoderma, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis , limited neurodermatitis, furunculosis, erysipelas, intertrigo, a combined preparation of boric acid as an antiseptic, zinc oxide as an astringent and drying agent, and a naftalan ointment as an anti-inflammatory, softening, absorbing, analgesic agent is used.

Contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity, severe kidney failure, pregnant women.

Long-term use of boron-naphthalan ointment and its application to a large area of ​​the skin can cause:

How to cook 2% boric ointment?

To prepare 2% boric ointment, you will need:

The scheme of actions is as follows:

  1. Buy boric acid in any pharmacy.
  2. Pre-boil the water.
  3. Strain the water through a cotton swab.
  4. Measure 120 milliliters of hot water using a graduated cylinder.
  5. Place the cylinder on the stand and dissolve 2.4 grams of boric acid in hot water, shaking it.
  6. Strain the solution.
  7. Keep in a vial, tightly corking it.

This solution can be used for:

Side effects with boron ointment

Possible side effects of using boric ointment are:

Due to prolonged use of the drug may occur:

Therefore, with ointment should be treated very carefully and do not apply without prescribing a doctor.