Moving to a new apartment is a sign

Turmoil, stress , nemeryenye and unforeseen expenses, packing and unpacking of things, broken glass shelves of a favorite buffet - all this means that you are moving. Of course, when you plan to move to a new apartment, you will not be able to take it, but in vain. After all, on joys and nerves you can forget about something important - about the luck that you need to carry with you from house to house, or, in its absence, originate it immediately, crossing the threshold of a new dwelling.

All this is taught by the signs that our ancestors carefully created and carefully stored for us with you, so that when we moved, we did not admit their mistakes.

The cat enters the house first!

This is only in Hollywood blockbusters when moving to a new apartment newlyweds, the husband brings his wife in his arms across the threshold. In our own realities, the first thing to do is to let the cat in. Cats, not cats, feel negative places in the room and immediately on them and "land". In the future, this place will belong to your house servant, whom you must not forget to call with you from an old apartment.

Then you can let the dog into the house - where it lies, there must be a bed in the future. Dogs, unlike cats, feel safe places and it's easy to prove: dog breeders know that before our four-footed friend sits down somewhere, he will long turn and sniff.


According to the people's signs, we must definitely celebrate the move, moreover, we must do this twice. The first time the holiday should be held in the closest circle - in the circle of those who will live in a new dwelling. This should be the first weekend after moving. The second housewarming is a noisy feast, which you can hold when you do not feel yourself in your house anymore.

Time to move

No matter how you plan to move to a new apartment (whether you move with things "in parts", or entirely), you should do it in the morning - from nine to eleven. Once you have moved things, open the windows and turn on the water in all the faucets. Let the water flow at least a couple of minutes.

Open windows and a stream of water clean the house of the energy of the former owners. Also, you should light the candles, or turn on the light.

The next stage is sound cleaning. You can include your favorite song, recording with mantras or prayers - this is your own business.