Celestial - application

In childhood, I often had inflammation of the skin, it was incredibly itchy and flaky. Dermatologists offered to be smeared with different ointments, ordered to observe a strict diet (except for porridge on the water, some vegetables and clean water could not be anything to drink or eat), stuffed with tablets against allergies, but for a long time nothing helped, after a while the irritation appeared again. Help came unexpectedly - in the summer I was sent to my grandmother, and the one in the bathhouse made for me a celandine with a string. After a while redness on the skin and itching decreased, and then completely gone. Since then, I know that there is no need to neglect popular recipes, some of them can be very effective. And official science does not always disprove the opinion of traditional healers. Here, for example, celandine, its use is recommended not only in folk medicine, but traditional science recognizes the healing properties of celandine. But it is worth remembering that with uncontrolled intake of any medicine there can be unpleasant consequences.

Harm and benefit of using celandine

The use of celandine is recommended in folk medicine for skin diseases (celandine juice is treated with warts). Official medicine sometimes resorts to the help of celandine in the treatment of peptic ulcer (as an analgesic) and as a sweatshop and cholagogue. Also, celandine is used in homeopathy to solve problems of digestion and to alleviate toothache. In addition, positive effect of celandine has been revealed in the treatment of benign and malignant tumors, and in particular for skin cancer.

Despite the useful properties, the celandine can be harmful. First of all, it is worth remembering that the plant is poisonous (not deadly, but still), so the plant should be washed only if you are going to get juice from it. If you have an increased sensitivity to the plant, then collect it better in gloves. Reception of preparations celandine inside must be agreed with the doctor.

Application of celandine in cosmetology

Prescriptions for celandine treatment are different - in some cases, celandine juice is needed, in some you need to know how to brew it, but you can not take the decision to take celandine internally for the treatment of certain diseases. Be sure to coordinate the course and dose of taking decoctions and infusions with your doctor, otherwise you can cause serious harm to the body.

The situation is different with the use of celandine for external influence, here you can use folk remedies without fear of harming yourself. Of course, it is worth remembering the individual reaction to the plant and that everything is good in moderation - even the most miraculous cream, spread on the skin 10 times a day, is unlikely to make you more beautiful. So with celandine - any mask from it and decoction based on it, is not intended for too frequent use.

Purity is often used to fight acne. You can act pointwise, lubricating acne with celandine juice, and you can use a decoction of celandine as a lotion. The last procedure should be done 3-5 times a day, since the preparations of celandine are usually effective in the first moments of contact with the skin. If you decide to use the juice of celandine for combating acne, then remember that with the burning sensation the juice should be washed off immediately.

How to brew celandine to get lotion? It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of chopped herb celandine with 200 ml of hot water and let it sit in a warm place for one hour.

Also, from the acne help mask with celandine and sour cream. 1 teaspoon of juice should be mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream. The mask should be washed off after 15 minutes with warm water, the procedure should be done once a week.

Dry skin will help mask from egg yolk, a tablespoon of olive oil and 3 drops of celandine juice. The mask needs to be washed off with warm water after 10-15 minutes. More often than once a week, you can not make such a mask.

Purity is useful for preventing brittle hair and improving their general condition. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of equal parts of burdock, celandine and nettle. The broth is boiled for 30 minutes on low heat, after it is cooled and filtered. A ready-made broth should be rinsed after each wash.