Twist currant leaves - what to do?

Currant is a very tasty and healthy berry , there are several varieties, each of which is good in its own way. However, gardeners often note with regret that because of some disease of the currant, its leaves are twisted. Why does this happen and how to save the plant - we learn from this article.

Causes of Curling Currant Leaves

There are several explanations why the leaves curl in black or other currants. The leaves are affected either by aphids, or by a viral infection, and in some cases, the leaflet, powdery mildew or anthracnose is the culprit. About all these unpleasant phenomena in more detail.

Defeat of aphids

An ordinary stalk aphids are grazed by ants to feed on the juice they produce. Such a defeat is more common than others. Detecting aphids is quite simple - just look under the leaf, and there will be found a lot of these small insects. Twisting leaves is a consequence of the fact that they simply dry out because the aphids suck the juice from them. Often the leaves turn yellow at first, and then they curl up. It is necessary to fight not only with aphids, but also with ants.

What to do if the currant leaves are twisted because of aphids:

Currant Torturer

It is a green and very mobile caterpillar that can destroy up to 80% of foliage. Recognize that the reason is in the leaf-rollers is easy - they leave the leaves unified and folded into the straw. There are several stages of development of these insects: yellow-green flat eggs, dirty yellow or bright green caterpillars and light brown butterflies. In any case, you need to immediately begin treatment, which consists in processing the plant with carbophos before flowering or after the harvest is harvested. Twisted leaves must be cut off and burned away from the site.


In anthracnose, the currant leaves blush and curl. The disease is quite serious and occurs on non-chernozem soils in many berry crops. The disease affects the entire terrestrial part of the plant, first manifests as violet spots on the young shoots, which then expand, blush, spread over the cortical tissue, which becomes gray with a purple fringing. The disease adversely affects the growth and development of shrubs and its fruiting.

What to spray the currant leaves, if they are twisted from anthracnose:

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a disease that affects the ground part of plants, not only cultured, but also wild. In this case, all shoots, leaves, the trunk is covered with a white coating, first cobwebby, and then - mealy, grayish-brownish hue. When the disease is severely affected, the shoots are bent, the leaves are deformed, twisted, the growth stops, eventually the leaves can fall off. The causes of this phenomenon can be changes in temperature, lack of light, excess nitrogen in the soil, lack of calcium, poor aeration of the soil. Powdery mildew hibernates well and, with the advent of spring, once again rages on the plant, which after a few years simply dies.

What to do if the currant is curled leaves due to powdery mildew:

Repeat treatment should be repeated twice with an interval of 7 to 10 days.