Calorie content of pork chops

It is difficult to imagine a traditional Russian feast without a cold. For example, this unusual and tasty dish is adorned with a table for the New Year , by popularity successfully competing with traditional olivier and herring "under a fur coat." Only unlike mayonnaise salads, jelly is much more useful, despite the fact that the caloric content of the pork chill is high enough, therefore it is recommended to eat it in moderate amounts not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days.

Composition of pork chill

The significant energy value of jelly is determined by its composition. The main ingredient of this dish is meat bones, most often it is brewed from the shank or legs. In the right cold, nothing is added except pork, salt and spices. In some recipes, gelatin is also used, but in this case the dish should be called "pour". The abundance of calories in the chill from pork is due to the high fat content of the raw material. Fats from meat pass into the broth concentrate, they are not diluted and are perfectly digested. And yet, nutritionists believe that this dish is very useful.

How useful is the pork chill?

The gelatinous consistency of the jelly indicates the presence in it of a huge amount of collagen protein. He is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and hair, healthy joint condition. Therefore, lovers of the cold do not suffer from early arthritis and arthrosis, they have wrinkles much later. It also contains valuable amino acids and B vitamins , which can have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, memory, general mood. But it is not necessary to eat this dish around the clock, because the calorie content of the pork chill is 198 kcal per hundred grams and you can quickly gain excess weight from it. It is better to limit a few spoons of jelly three to four times a week.