Bromelia - home care

Each flower is unique in its own way and can discourage with its beauty even an indifferent person. Surprisingly, we have flowers from all over the world. In past centuries, people have traveled hundreds of miles to obtain a new kind of flowers and to please their loved ones.

One such amazing plant is bromelia. It was brought to Russia from the tropical and subtropical regions of Latin America. Bromeliad - an unusual flower, number about 50 species of this plant. Interesting is the fact that the color of bromeliad blossoms can be completely different - from light tones to dark ones.

Bromelia is also known for adapting to virtually any climate (but not below 12 degrees) and soil. They are classified as terrestrial and epiphytes (grow on cacti, trees, leaves, rocks).

Bromelia care at home

Unlike other indoor plants (more tender and receptive), bromeliad is a plant that is not whimsical, thermophilic. You can grow it at home, or take care of it in the office, most importantly, put it closer to the light. Bromelia does not require special care and constant supervision. It can be planted in an ordinary medium-sized pot or basket. However, one should remember several important points:

  1. Humidity. Bromeliads are especially suitable for moist air. From it, the plant takes those useful substances that it needs.
  2. Location. It is not recommended to put bromeliads in a draft, she does not like it. Cozy and comfortable bromeliads will be on the windowsill or balcony (in the warm season), but remember that the temperature should be at least 12 degrees, otherwise the plant may begin to ache.
  3. Watering. Bromelia should be watered only when the soil is completely dry. Depending on the season, light, temperature, heating, this plant can absorb moisture in different ways. Most of the moisture bromelia absorbs not through the root, but through the rosette and petals. This means that you should not forget to regularly spray her leaves. You can direct the nebulizer directly into its outlet, so it can absorb more useful substances. Sometimes, you can add a small concentrate of liquid fertilizers to the irrigation water.

On the reproduction of bromeliad

When bromeliad blooms, it appears small bromeliads in the form of processes. At this point, they can not yet be separated from the mother bromeliad, as this will harm both the small processes and the main flower. Wait until it completely fades, and then gently cut the new bromeliads.

Do I need to transplant bromeliad after purchase?

As mentioned above, bromeliad is a plant that does not require excessive attention. This applies to the transplantation of bromeliads after the purchase. It should not be transplanted until you notice that its roots lie on the walls of the pot.

If you decide to transplant bromeliad, consider how to do it correctly.

Bromelia - transplantation:

  1. The soil must be loose and not dried. This is very important for bromeliads, since it loves moisture.
  2. The vessel in which it will grow can be any, but not too small. You can choose for it a wooden, plastic, ceramic or glass pot.
  3. Before transferring the soil from the package to the pot, mix it with peat and sand.
  4. Finger in the middle make a shallow hole and pour water in there. Water does not regret, it will help the plant to release roots more quickly.
  5. At the edges, pour the soil and hands to fix it in the pot.

Bromelia: flowering period

Consider how to care for bromeliads so that it blossoms. Put it on the windowsill, but do not allow direct sunlight. Pay attention to the humidity of the air. Do not overdo it with watering.

As for the care of the flower bromeliad, nothing difficult to do with it is not necessary. Rejoice and enjoy. During the flowering period, bromelia does not require a special approach to itself. Take care of it the same way as before.

Bromeliad after flowering

When bromeliad fades, its flower becomes sluggish, closes and eventually dries up, but does not fall off. Do not rush to remove the flower. Wait until it is completely dry, and carefully cut it with scissors.

Diseases of bromeliad

Diseases in bromeliads are extremely rare.

  1. The tips of the leaves can turn yellow and dry out due to insufficient humidity.
  2. As a result of direct sunlight, brown spots may appear on the sheets.
  3. The plant can become lethargic, weak and with a yellowish tinge, if it is poured and does not allow water to be absorbed. The same symptoms are observed in bromeliads in hypothermia.

As for pests, sometimes bromelia is attacked by scabs and mealybugs .

Bromelia is an amazing flower, and only the proper care of this miracle will ensure a healthy life to the plant and the joy of its mistress.