Aries and Cancer - Compatibility in Marriage, Sex, Work and Friendship

Aries is a representative of the fiery element, open and expressive. Cancer is sensual and closed, its elements are water. Is the divergence of signs so great? Aries and Cancer, their compatibility can be illustrated by Pushkin's lines from the poem "Eugene Onegin": "

They agreed. Wave and stone,

Poems and prose, ice and flame

Not so different among themselves.

Aries and Cancer - the compatibility of signs in love

The piths of love are not only all ages, but also the signs of the Zodiac. If Aries becomes passionate (and this happens easily and often), he will seek a reciprocal feeling by any means. In the tight and lack of imagination Aries can not be reproached. And the more closed the object of love dreams, the more active Aries. In this case, Cancer is the ideal target.

If love accidentally comes to Raku (and this happens only if he is sure of the impeccability of possible relationships), then no one will ever know about this until the object of lust reveals interest to Rak. In this situation, Aries with his undisguised sympathy will be just in time. Thus, there are all prerequisites for the emergence of a pure and sincere feeling between these signs.

However, that love does not end in disappointment, a number of conditions are necessary:

  1. In the pair "a man Aries - a woman Cancer" the main role in strengthening relations belongs to a woman. She must make an effort to ensure that the wonderful feeling does not turn into routine. The Aries man does not tolerate intrusive care and excessive control. Love for Aries is an interesting adventure, and not a heavy routine with the analysis of flights and the explosion of the brain.
  2. In the pair "man Cancer - woman Aries" the strength of communication depends on the man. Any woman, even the strongest, the Aries, can not resist the manifestation of care and tenderness that cancers of a male are capable of. Romance, not jealousy, sincere interest, and not unfeeling egoism - these are the main conditions under which the union of Cancer and Aries will become an alliance of loving hearts.

Aries and Cancer - compatibility in sex

In an intimate relationship, expression and fervor emanate from Aries. Cancer brings in them sensuality and tenderness. If you connect all the elements of the mosaic, you will get amazing sex. To do this, you need to feel the partner and be interested in his needs. Otherwise, dependence on the mood and resentment of one (Cancer), and aggressiveness and aggressiveness of another (Aries) can lead to misunderstanding and dissatisfaction of both. And ultimately to nullify the compatibility of Aries and Cancer in a relationship.

Aries and Cancer - Compatibility in Marriage

Militant representatives of the two opposing elements equally are not averse to taking part in life's battles, just the tactics of fighting are different: Aries wins, and Cancer protects. This raises the question: Are Aries and Cancer compatible, can they live together long and happily. After all, family relationships are not limited to love and sex.

A stumbling block that places the compatibility of the signs Cancer and Aries under threat is money. Everything that Cancer does, he does for the benefit of the family. He digs all the prey in good faith. Unlike him, Aries is prone to spontaneous bounty, especially in the name of a loved one. This attitude to the family budget can cause discontent from the lean half.

Aries and Cancer - Compatibility in Friendship

Friendly compatibility of Zodiac signs Aries and Cancer can be of two types:

  1. Friends from childhood . Cancer is very sensitive to such a friend, considers him to be practically a member of his family. In this situation, Aries enjoys all the privileges. He can always count on good advice and even occasionally on material assistance.
  2. Leader and stuck . In this case, the leader is beyond any doubt Aries. Charisma and the ability to carelessly litter money attracts a lot of pseudo friends. However, because of periodic refusals to participate in adventures and crocheting, Cancer quickly falls into the list of outcast bores.

Aries and Cancer - compatibility in work

Business interaction between Aries and Cancer is possible in three cases:

  1. In the tandem Aries-chief - Cancer-subordinate Cancer will be able to work only if the incontinence of the leadership is compensated by a very high salary.
  2. In the case where the roles are distributed to the exact opposite, success does not wait. Discernment and foresight of the leader-Cancer plus the energy and creativity of the performer-Aries, aimed at solving production issues, can give excellent results.
  3. The situation of Aries and Cancer as equal employees will lead to fruitful activities only if the powers are divided.

Famous couples Aries and Cancer

Those who unconditionally believe in horoscopes should remember that the mythical Cancer and Aries are, above all, real people. In any pair of "Aries and Cancer" compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac - not the main thing. The most important is ease in relationships and love. Famous married couples can become an example of strong family ties for many years:

  1. World famous actor Jackie Chan and Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao.
  2. Professor, quantum chemist Joachim Sauer and German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel.
  3. Russian actors Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov.