Illusion - what are the illusions of perception in psychology and how to stop living in illusions?

The word "illusion" that comes from the Latin language is translated as deception or delusion. This remains the most accurate description of this term. The bright colorful world of illusion is not always fiction, but it is always a deceptive feeling that tears out reality and prevents it from living a normal life. The reasons for the appearance of illusions are many, as well as its types.

What is an illusion?

A similar phenomenon can be created by a skilful magician or mother herself - nature, but it happens that the person himself introduces himself into deception. An illusion is when the real object is perceived in a distorted form and is understood ambiguously. It is believed that the illusion of a companion of any mental illness , but this is not entirely true, a healthy person is also able to feel the illusion. How can you see the illusion?

  1. Due to optical illusion.
  2. Being in an unfamiliar state for a person (narcotic intoxication, with pathology or standing of affect).

In the everyday concept, under illusion means hopes and dreams. The unreal world that creates illusion is a world of self-deception, and serves as a means that facilitates a person's life or is at all a flight of his imagination. Human consciousness always strives to protect itself from shocks and strive for illusions, prompts dreams of a miracle, creates images of a "beautiful life" or ideal people.

What are the illusions different from hallucinations?

Life situations can create conditions in which people will have a perception disorder. Such ills can be caused by illusions and hallucinations, even a healthy person is not protected from them. How to distinguish one from another:

  1. Because of the illusion, you can see real things completely from the other side or with a great distortion of reality. Common mistakes that a person can see something, for example, in the dusk take some things and objects for others, a bright leaf from a tree to take for a mushroom cap, can be for quite healthy people. It is necessary to distinguish such errors from the painful perception of reality.
  2. Hallucinations appear where there is nothing. Pursuing images can arise against the background of psychosis. In healthy people, they arise if they are in a state where their mind is changed.

Illusions of perception

Perception of a person is imperfect, and sometimes you can see the image, hear the sound, feel the taste is not what it really is. A normal phenomenon that, against a background of distorted perception, the brain will build images that do not correspond to reality. Man is able to create the appearance of that which is not in reality or on the contrary to not notice the evidence. The illusion of perception in psychology is the observation of phenomena, even if a person realizes that this is on the verge of what is possible. So you can see the mirage, the distortion of the object in the water and much more.

What are the illusions?

For every sense organ there is at least one illusion, there are a lot of them. Types of illusions that a person can experience have their own unit:

Pareidolic illusions

The illusory perceptions of real objects are called the paradeyological illusion. Such illusions can arise when a person looks at wallpaper, cloth, stains or cracks, clouds. You can see not only faces or objects, but also fantastic images. This occurs as a result of the dual image effect, when the illusion of depth or pattern recognition is created specifically for provocation. This kind can be observed in several people at once when considering a well-known object, for example cultural heritage.

Affective Illusions

Being in a certain emotional state of the soul, and thus, being in an unfamiliar place, a person is able to see almost incredible. A vivid example is an overnight visit to the cemetery. Being under the influence of fear and in anticipation of something unkind, any person is able to see an affective illusion. Or with fear of spiders, and the presence of a new, unfamiliar place, a person will be afraid of their appearance from everywhere. Many people are able to see different types of illusions. Affective illusions can appear even in a healthy person.

Physical Illusions

Some pilots in their stories emphasize that if you fly over the sea, when it reflects the stars, then there is a feeling of an inverted flight. The main feature of physical illusions is their dependence on the mental state. Illusions physiological or physical - these are short-term phenomena, they are episodic. If a person is able to critically assess the situation, to understand that this is an illusion, then this indicates his psychological health .

How are physiological illusions created? A vivid example is the violation of the eye, when it is very difficult to determine the distance from person to object by eye. Real indicators and false perception of distance and create this type of illusion. Almost all people face this type of illusion and knowing that this is an illusion, it easily corrects it. A similar type of illusion is a feature of the structure of the eye and light effects.

Cognitive Illusions

Such phenomena arise because a person starts to make assumptions about the world, which leads to analysis, sometimes unconscious. Cognitive illusions are erroneous thinking, it develops as a result of mental behavior. Such an illusion of man is an example of quick thinking, if a person initially analyzed his thoughts, then it would not have arisen. Cognitive distortion is actively studied by psychotherapy because they carry the consequences of a personal and social nature.

Illusions - Psychology

All people are inclined to experience, make difficult decisions, seek answers to questions. Illusions in people arise, that to remove uncertainty in some questions. What is an illusion in psychology? It is the formation of its own image of the vision and its substitution, in place of the present and the real. Illusions can help a person remove anxiety and stress. Even if in illusions the image is negatively colored, then the person will be warned, what he should be afraid of.

Such thinking is initially wrong and can have nothing to do with reality. Psychologists do not classify such illusions as human diseases, but they recommend that they stop living in an illusory world. Live illusions constantly, at least, silly. If a person lives and constantly harbors illusions about other people, then he needs to turn to a psychologist.

Causes of illusions

When a person watches a spoon bend when immersed in a glass of water, then this is not a violation of the psyche. This is an illusion that can arise in any healthy person. Illusions often arise in a person with a violent imagination , visit creative people. From tension or fatigue people can see and hear anything wrong. But if the illusion is already a faithful friend and is visited with an enviable periodicity, then it is rather a disease of the psyche.

The meaning has and what specific illusion comes to man. The sound of dripping water from the closed tap, this is not a reason to run to the doctor, which is more serious if you periodically hear voices. The causes of many illusions are not known and to this day, they have no scientific explanation. To live in a world of illusions is to build your life as if the existence of a person occurs in another world. It does not matter, the illusory world is better or worse, the main thing is that it is different.

How to stop living in illusions?

Behavior in this or that situation and its solutions lead to certain consequences. A person who has chosen for himself the path to live by illusions, begins to use the rules of the fictional world in the real. He chooses for himself the model of behavior that could be effective in his illusory world, but not in reality. To feed illusions in an easy form, even sometimes useful, but to live in them is dangerous, so you need to know how to get rid of illusions.

  1. It is worth attempting to bend the world of illusion to itself. With him, you have to start a war in your subconscious and burn out all those ideas that are far from reality. People who continue to live in a fictitious world are future demonstrators. They are ready to pour out their anger at everyone who is at hand. They complain about life to random people, fellow travelers, on social networks .
  2. A person should understand that reality is what it is, it will not be the other. All the failures are caused not by the fact that the person is bad, but by the fact that he acts wrongly, looking back at his illusions. A man should grow up. To become adults is not to abandon their goals and stop wanting to see their lives better, it means to accept the truth, to know the world, to learn to understand it correctly.